Best Steroids for Cutting Cycles, Top Steroid Stack for Fat Loss | Ask The Experts |

2022-07-15 19:41:13 By : Ms. Coco Li

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Cutting cycles are important. They help you to reduce excess body fat you gained while bulking and allow you to show your lean muscles at their best.

Cutting cycles are also very challenging because you have to pay a lot of extra attention to your diet and make sure your daily calorie intake is low enough to encourage fat-burning.

Here are the most effective cutting steroids that are both legal and safe to use.

Best Cutting Steroids: Quick Look 

The 4 anabolic steroids can be combined into a cutting stack. The four combined accelerate lean muscle growth, fat burning, and recovery times.

Click here for details on the CUTTING STACK - 4 of the best cutting steroids combined at a vastly discounted price.

Loss of muscle mass is one of the most worrying aspects of the bodybuilding cutting cycle. Nobody wants it and that's not surprising. It makes the switch from bulking to cutting a little like taking three steps forward and then two steps back.

However, just as there are anabolic steroids that can improve your gains during bulking, there are steroids that deliver the goods during cutting. 

When you pick the right cutting steroid or cutting stack, it becomes easier to accelerate your fat loss without sacrificing any of your hard-earned muscle. It preserves lean muscle mass.

So, which steroids work best for cutting? That's what this article is about. It lists the top four cutting steroids along with all their pros and cons.

Unfortunately, although the pros can be very enticing, some of the cons can be off-putting ‒ even scary. That's why, after we have introduced each of the four best cutting steroids and given you the low-down, we provide a brief overview of a safe steroid you could use instead.

Maybe you will decide you want to use steroids. Then again, you may think it's best to do your cutting cycles with the steroid alternative instead. It's not our intention to try and sway you either way. All this article does is provide information. What you do after you have read and understood it, is up to you.

Before we dig in and get going with the steroid information, we ought to point out this is not an ordered list. We are not saying the two products at the top are better than the two at the bottom of the list.

All four are equally good. They can protect or improve your muscle growth while tweaking your metabolism to help you to burn more fat.

Some options may be better for certain people though. For instance, Anavar may be the best cutting steroid for women while Sustanon will surely be better for many men.

Each option offers a slightly different combination of benefits and negative issues. However, all four options can cause or aggravate cholesterol problems. So, if you have cholesterol issues you will be far better off going with any of the top four steroid alternatives instead.

Click for Legal Anavar Price and Availability

Anavar is one of the most important cutting steroids. It's very popular. Very few bodybuilders omit it from their cutting stacks because it's so good for burning fat and protecting existing muscle mass.

If you are shooting for a lean, hard physique and want to improve your vascularity, Anavar is one of the best steroids to help.

Anavar is a branded version of the steroid Oxandrolone. You take it by mouth. There is no need for painful injections.

However, as is the case with all oral steroids, the 17-α-alkylation modification that enables the drug to be taken by mouth increases the likelihood of it causing liver damage. [1]

Anavar has a much higher anabolic rating than testosterone, but it's generally not considered a good option for bulking. It's a steroid that has far more to offer when cutting. Due to it having a lower androgenic rating than most other steroids, Anavar is also one of the best steroids for women.

As you'd expect from any good cutting steroid, Anavar boosts your metabolism to help you to burn extra fat, while also protecting you from losing your existing muscle mass.

Anavar is also very good for providing strength increases. It improves endurance and aids faster recovery too. By doing these things, Anavar helps you to enjoy more productive workouts and improves your cardio sessions as well.

The lack of aromatizing activity is another reason Anavar ranks as one of the best steroids for cutting. Even though you are unlikely to make any notable muscle gains during your Anavar cycles, you can be sure any weight increases will be muscle, not water.

Many other steroids cause water retention. That's the last thing you need when you are trying to improve your muscle definition and vascularity. The fact that Anavar does not present this problem is another reason for its being so popular.

The best Anavar dose for cutting is open to debate. Some guys only take 30 mg per day and report excellent results. Others take a more hardcore attitude to their Anavar cycles and take 60 mg or more.

That's the guys. Women shouldn't take doses of more than 20 mg of Anavar per day.

As for the best Anavar cycle length, women usually run this steroid for four to six weeks. Men often stretch their cycles as long as eight weeks.

However, due to the risk of liver harm, lower doses and shorter cycles are highly advisable.

Anavar side effects are generally pretty mild, so it's a pity it has the potential to do such bad things to your liver.

Although this steroid has a low androgenic rating and zero estrogenic effects, acne and hair loss are still possible in some people. The only way you can know how Anavar will affect you is to try it and see.

Anavar also has the potential to produce unhealthy changes in cholesterol. This is one of the more dangerous side effects of using this popular cutting steroid.

Other side effects may include:

If you know anything about steroids and how they work, you should not be surprised to learn Anavar suppresses natural testosterone production. That means you can't just stop. You need to follow your Anavar cycle with a post-cycle therapy (PCT).

The best Anavar brand is Anvarol. It's a powerful oral supplement that provides a range of benefits similar to those of Anavar but does not have any known side effects

Anvarol is part of a range of high-potency steroid alternatives developed by Crazy Bulk. It's an all-natural supplement that does not contain any chemicals or drugs.

If you find it hard to believe a natural product is capable of taking the place of one of the best cutting steroids ever created, don't worry. You can try Anvarol and see the result for yourself with nothing to lose because all legal Crazy Bulk steroids have 60-day money-back guarantees.

Crazy Bulk also allows an extra seven days on top, to cover any shipping delays. That gives you plenty of time to run Avarol for a full cycle.

Click for Winstrol Price and Availability

Winstrol is another one of the best anabolic steroids for cutting. During a Winstrol or “winny” cycle, it's possible to lower your calorie intake by 50% without the risk of muscle loss.

Winstrol is also a very popular performance-enhancing drug that will forever have associations with the British sprinter Linford Christie, the 1988 Olympic Games, and "the dirtiest race in history."

Like Anavar, Winstrol has a low androgenic rating that makes it popular with women. Winstrol is also one of the fastest cutting steroids. It can deliver excellent improvements in body composition within only a month.

Winny is available both as a pill and as an injectable drug. The pill form tends to be the most popular but presents the greatest danger of liver harm.

Winstrol is a popular brand of Stanozolol. It's based on the (male) androgen hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

The synthetic form of DHT we know as Winstrol is less androgenic than the genuine article. That's why Winstrol is deemed one of the most female-friendly steroid options.

In addition to being one of the best fat-burning steroids and performance boosters, Winstrol is also good for easing joint pain. That's a bonus many bodybuilders appreciate because heavy lifting can cause a lot of problems in this area.

Most steroids increase sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). This lowers free testosterone levels. Winstrol does not increase SHBG, it decreases it. [2] That's another big point in its favor.

Due to its ability to enhance athletic performance, Winstrol supercharges your workouts, making it easy to train harder and longer. This helps you to burn extra calories and stored body fat while training.

Another thing Winny does is help you to attain harder, firmer muscles. So, when you burn fat with Winstrol, you are getting a super-hard and shredded physique as well.

The amount of Winstrol you need to take depends on whether you are taking it by mouth or via injection. If you are using the oral steroid, 25mg to 50 mg of Winstrol per day, split over two doses, can work very well in a cutting cycle.

Some bodybuilders use double this amount. There are no guarantees this will increase the benefits but it will certainly increase the dangers.

Bodybuilders taking Winstrol via injection, often inject 50 mg of the drug every other day. A typical Winstrol steroid cycle runs for six to 12 weeks.

As we've already mentioned, if you take Winstrol orally, liver damage is one of the greatest dangers. It's considerably more liver-toxic than Anavar.

Winstrol also produces a greater level of testosterone suppression than Anavar does. That means, when you go off cycle, you will need to place greater focus on finding a good PCT.

Some of the best-known Winstrol side effects are:

Winstrol is another steroid that can play havoc with your cholesterol so, if you already have problems in that area, think twice about using it.

The best legal Winstrol is Winsol. It's another legal steroid that comes from Crazy Bulk. All the best natural steroids seem to nowadays

Crazy Bulk Winsol does everything Winstrol does except hit you with side effects and the need for a PCT.

We believe Winsol is superior to Winstrol and know a lot of bodybuilders who feel the same. It's one of the best natural aids to cutting ever created and, because it comes from Crazy Bulk, you get the normal 60-day money-back guarantee.

Click for Clenbuterol Price and Availability

Clenbuterol is a powerful fat burner and performance booster that's a key player in all the best steroid cutting stacks. However, the truth is, Clenbuterol or “clen” is not a steroid at all. It belongs to a class of drugs known as beta2-agonists.

Many people don't know this though. Call it guilt by association or misinformation, it doesn't matter. All that does matter is Clenbuterol is an effective fat burner that works.

As with Winstrol, Clenbuterol can be taken orally or injected. There are arguments for and against both options. Taking Clenbuterol orally is less unpleasant but presents a risk of harm to your liver. 

Injecting it is a more liver-friendly option but there is a risk of scarring and, more worryingly, air bubbles forming in the blood.

Clenbuterol is a stimulant. Once you know that, its reputation for enhancing training and sporting capabilities is not so surprising.

As we already mentioned, Clenbuterol is also a beta2-adrenergic agonist. Drugs in this class have several effects on the body.

One of the main things they do is expand the bronchial passages to enable easier breathing. This makes beta2-adrenergic agonists useful for treating lung conditions such as bronchitis and asthma.

By enabling easier breathing, they also increase sporting and exercise capacity.

Clenbuterol was developed during the 1970s as a treatment for racehorses with breathing difficulties.

Its abilities as a fat burner were a later discovery that led to it becoming a popular fat burner with cattle farmers wanting to produce leaner, better quality meat. 

Needless to say, it was also a discovery that took the world of bodybuilding by storm.

It is not just the bodybuilding industry that utilizes Clen - It is a popular weight loss pill used by glamor models to reduce body fat levels. 

After it hits your system, Clenbuterol boosts adrenalin production and metabolism. The extra adrenaline improves your physical performance. The increase in metabolism causes your body to use more energy, helping you to burn more calories than you could with diet and exercise alone.

The other thing Clenbuterol does is increase thermogenesis, so don't be surprised if it makes you feel a little warmer. Or if you  find yourself sweating more during training.

By increasing thermogenesis, Clen causes you to lose extra energy as heat.

Hunger suppression is an additional benefit that further contributes to the drug's value during cutting cycles.

Finally, Clenbuterol also boasts minor anabolic abilities that improve protein synthesis. Not enough to give it value as a bulking agent but plenty enough to offer protection against loss of muscle tissue during cutting.

All in all Clenbuterol can help you lose body fat and increase lean muscle mass

If you are new to Clenbuterol, it's best to begin with a low dose of around 40 mcg per day and gradually work your way up. Although some bodybuilders go up to 40% higher, it's best to consider 100 mcg per day the top line.

The dose for women is lower at just 20 mcg per day for beginners and 80 mcg to 100 mcg for the maximum dose.

The good news is, Clenbuterol will not suppress your endogenous testosterone levels or require you to do a PCT.

The bad news is it's known to cause many nasty side effects. Some of them are temporary but the drug also has the potential to cause irreversible damage.

Short-term Clenbuterol side effects may include:

Irreversible Clenbuterol side effects can include fragile bones and cardiac hypertrophy. The first can be extremely debilitating, the second may be life-threatening.

It's easy to take a Devil may care attitude and say it won't happen to me but there are no guarantees you will get lucky. Not everyone does.

In June 2020, a hospital in the UK shared the case report of a bodybuilder who sustained myocardial injury through using Clenbuterol. He was only 22 years old. [3]

So although there is no doubt Clen can offer a lot of value while cutting, it's important not to lose sight of the fact there are risks involved.

The best legal Clenbuterol is Crazy Bulk Clenbutrol. It doesn't have any side effects but its fat-burning capabilities are on an even par with those of the drug it replaces.

Crazy Bulk's Clenbuterol alternative also enhances performance and allows you to get lean without losing muscle mass.

In addition to getting rave reviews as a fat burner, Clenbutrol also gets a lot of praise for its ability to function as a pre-workout.

Crazy Bulk Clenbutrol is another safe and legal cutting supplement that has an excellent track record along with a 60-day money-back guarantee.

Click for Sustanon Price and Availability

Sustanon is one of the most powerful anabolic steroids. It's also one of the most versatile options because you can use it and get good results during bulking and cutting. Think of it as a fat burner and muscle growth enhancer combined.

Sustanon or “sus 250” offers additional value as a performance booster and many men using it find it boosts their libido considerably. In some cases, overcoming erectile dysfunction. However, it has the potential to cause many undesirable side effects as well

So, as with all the strong androgenic anabolic steroids, the things Sustanon can do for your body can be a mix of good and bad.

Sustanon is a synthetic version of testosterone. It's available on prescription as a testosterone replacement therapy.

Sustanon is an injectable steroid that's distributed in 250 ml ampules. Because of this, it's also known as Sustanon 250 and Sus 250.

Every ampule provides a mix of four testosterone esters. Each ester consists of a testosterone molecule with a carbon chain.

In the case of Sustanon, the four esters (testosterone propionate, testosterone isocaproate, testosterone phenylpropionate, and testosterone decanoate) have different length chains.

The body absorbs the short-chained esters more quickly than the longer ones. Functioning as a team, the four esters provide a quick and enduring supply of testosterone.

Sustanon is a prescription medication that is meant to be used under medical supervision. Using it for bodybuilding or sports is illegal.

Testosterone is the male sex hormone. It's also an important natural steroid that plays a key role in protein synthesis and helps your muscles to grow.

Testosterone provides numerous other benefits as well including strong bones, better memory, and clearer thinking. It influences mood too, helps with body fat burning, and serves numerous other important roles in the body.

Because Sustanon is a synthetic version of testosterone, it provides all the same benefits. However, its main value in bodybuilding is enhancing training capability, supporting muscle gains, and assisting fat burning to help keep you lean.

Sustanon is responsible for muscle tone, muscle building, reducing body fat percentage for a lean physique.

Bodybuilders normally inject Sustanon two times each week into muscle tissue. Although the ampules are pre-dosed to 250 ml, many bodybuilders inject more. That's one of the things that makes using Sustanon for bodybuilding so dangerous.

Even beginners often start with 200 mg per week and gradually increase it to 350 mg per week by the end of a seven-week cycle.

Bodybuilders following intermediate steroid cycles often take up to 500 mg per week. Harder core athletes may go even higher.

Abusing Sustanon like this is a very dangerous game. It's a little like playing Russian roulette with a needle instead of a gun and is highly inadvisable.

When you inject Sustanon, it takes on the role of your genuine testosterone and replaces it. This severely suppresses your ability to produce this vitally important hormone so a good PCT is going to be necessary.

As for side effects, many are possible. These may include:

Unnatural growth to the clitoris + developing masculine traits (women)

Heart attacks, strokes, and similar cardiovascular issues

Although others have tried and failed, Crazy Bulk is the only company that has managed to develop a truly viable Sustanon brand that is legal and safe. It's called Testo-Max.

The name is very fitting because, instead of replacing your natural testosterone and, thereby, suppressing it, Testo-Max encourages your body to produce more testosterone.

You could see Testo-Max as a high-potency testosterone booster that's been specially tweaked to support bodybuilders' bulking and cutting needs.

Once people make the switch from Sustanon to Testo-Max, there is no going back. It really is that good but, once again, you don't need to take our word for it. 

Thanks to Crazy Bulk's money-back guarantee, you can find out how good it is through personal experience with absolutely nothing to lose.

There are a few different ways to stack cutting steroids in order to maximize their efficiency. 

One option is to stack them together in a single injection or take orally at the same time. This allows the cutting steroids to work together synergistically, resulting in greater muscle growth and strength gains. 

Another option is to stagger the doses of the different cutting steroids throughout the day. 

This ensures that your body has a constant supply of the active ingredients, leading to more consistent results. 

No matter which method you choose, it is important to start with lower doses and gradually increase them as your body becomes accustomed to the anabolic steroid.

A cutting cycle is when you're trying to lose fat while preserving muscle. You'll probably be working out more and eating less than you normally would. 

And just like when you're trying to bulk up, what you eat is key. You need to make sure you're getting enough protein to preserve your muscle mass, but you also want to cut back on calories and carbohydrates to help burn fat while building muscle.

Of course, everyone's body is different, so there's no one-size-fits-all answer here. But in general, you should aim to eat lean proteins like chicken or fish, healthy fats like avocados or olive oil, and plenty of vegetables. 

And as always, make sure you're staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Cutting can be a tough process, but if you give your body the nutrients it needs, you'll be one step closer to achieving your goal physique.

Here is a full list of steroids for fat loss. 

Methandienone (Dianabol), or “Dbol” - usually used in bulking cycles

Oxandrolone (Anavar, Oxandrin), or “Var” - mild steroid

Oxymetholone (Anadrol), or “Drol” - usually used in bulking cycles

Stanozolol (Winstrol), or “Winny” oral and injectable steroid

When it comes to bodybuilding, the term "cutting" refers to the process of losing fat while maintaining muscle mass. 

This is usually done in preparation for a competition, as a shredded physique will show off muscles more effectively than one that is carrying excess body fat. 

There are a number of different approaches that can be taken when cutting, but the most important thing is to create a calorie deficit. 

This can be done by reducing calorie intake and/or increasing calorie expenditure through exercise. 

In addition, it's important to eat foods that will promote muscle growth and repair, as this will help to offset any muscle loss that may occur during the cutting and fat loss process. 

With dedication and focus, any bodybuilder can burn body fat and make the cuts necessary to achieve their ideal physique.

Cutting steroids help to preserve lean muscle mass by reducing the amount of stubborn fat tissue in the body. 

Anabolic androgenic steroids also help to increase the number of muscle fibers and improve the quality of those muscle fibers. 

As a result, fat burning steroids can help to improve muscle definition, muscle growth and increase strength. 

They can also increase testosterone levels, which can further improve lean muscle tissue and strength. 

However, it is important to note that cutting steroids should be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise program in order to see the best results.

PCT stands for "post-cycle therapy." This is a treatment that involves one or more supplements and/or drugs.

After a steroid cycle, your body's ability to produce testosterone will be suppressed. The level of suppression will vary from one steroid to the next.

Even if the level of suppression is relatively mild, your post-cycle testosterone deficiency will likely rob you of vitality, making it harder to train or do everyday tasks.

It's also highly likely that you will be able to kiss goodbye to some or all of the muscle gains you made while bulking.

Good PCTs compensate for the lack of testosterone and help your body get production back on track again. You should never consider using steroids if you are not willing to do a PCT.

None of the Crazy Bulk legals steroids require a PCT because they do not cause testosterone suppression.

Gaining lean muscle mass during cutting cycles is unlikely. You are far more likely to lose it. However, some of the best cutting steroids may be able to help you to do this, presuming you are eating correctly and training right. The same is true for some of the top steroid alternatives.

If you hope to gain muscle while cutting, the best two options are probably Sustanon and its non-steroid alternative Testo-Max.

Absolutely. It doesn't matter how good your cutting steroid or steroid stack is, you won't burn any fat if you are consuming too many calories. 

1. Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Effect on the Liver:

2. Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin Response to the Anabolic Steroid Stanozolol: Evidence for Its Suitability as a Biological Androgen Sensitivity Test:

3. Clenbuterol-Induced Myocarditis: A Case Report:

There are plenty of steroids that are good to use while cutting but this article only provides information on the four that work best. It also reveals the four best natural and legal steroids.

If you are new to the world of cutting and steroids, and the fact that you are reading this article hints this may be so, we'd like to suggest the best cutting stack for beginners.

A simple stack consisting of the legal steroids Anavar and Winstrol can be extremely effective for first cutting cycles. It's a combination that can highlight your definition and vascularity while also making your muscles nice and hard.

Of course, the additional benefits stacks provide can also entail a greater risk of side effects. If this worries you, we suggest using Anvarol and Winsol instead.

Or, if you want to get the maximum benefits during cutting with zero side effects, it's worth considering combining Anvarol, Winsol, Clenbutrol, and Testo-Max. There is no need to buy them separately, you can get them at a discounted price by choosing the Crazy Bulk Cutting Stack.

We recommend these 4 fat loss agents - they are the best steroids for cutting that are both legals and effective.

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