Best Synthetic Urine Kits: Top 5 Fake Pee Brands To Pass a Drug Test | Deccan Herald

2022-09-16 19:49:24 By : Mr. Michael Fu

Cannabis continues to be a contentious issue on both a social and political level. Because of this, the majority of corporations prohibit the use of cannabis abroad. You will undoubtedly need to submit to a drug test anytime you apply for a job. Failure will also ruin your reputation and chances of landing a decent job at a reputable company or government organization.

What else are you supposed to do? Urine samples are the key component of many drug tests today. That's when you can use synthetic (fake) urine rather than your own to increase your chances of passing the test.

How did we compile this list? We chose five of the best synthetic urine kits after a thorough study of the numerous synthetic urine kit options available in the market. We conducted a qualitative survey and connected with the users of synthetic urine to understand their use cases, frequency, brand choice, and perception. We finalized the options based on price, reliability, efficacy, ingredients, user convenience, and shelf life.

5 Best Synthetic Urine kits 1.    Urine Simulation with Powdered Urine - Top Selling Synthetic Urine Kit 2.    Test Clear Urinator - Most Reliable and can be Reused 3.    Incognito Belt - Highly Effective and Undetectable 4.    Sub Solution - Easy To Use and Worth The Money 5.    Quick Luck - Works Everytime

#1. Urine Simulation with Powdered Urine Kit When a real urine simulation product is required, customers typically choose the powdered urine kit. No matter how complex your experiment is, this is the only product we advise using. It contains all the necessary components, but uric acid stands out.

Before conducting your experiment at home, combine with water that is 70 F/21 C. One hour before the experiment, arrive close to or outside the institution, and attach the heater to the vial next to the temperature strip.

It will take roughly 45 minutes for the water to reach the desired temperature if it is started at room temperature. Continue with your experiment when the temperature strip reflects the appropriate range (90-100F/32-37C). This powdered natural pee kit resembles drug-free human urine in appearance, smell, and chemical behavior. This gives you the entire assurance that, unlike liquid synthetic pee, the powder can match the standards regardless of how complex the experiment is.

Except for the water, we provide you with drug-free powdered urine, a 50-ml plastic medical vial, a six-hour air-activated heater, a temperature strip, and an instruction sheet with pointers. The polypropylene transporting vial for the urine kit has a capacity of 50 ml. According to the guidelines, your sample must be at least 45 ml in volume to be accepted.

We examined the heated synthetic urine with two distinct drug screen panels to control for any potential bias. The first was the urine drug test offered by TestClear, and the second was a different model of urine drug test accessible at our neighborhood pharmacy. Both drug tests detected undetectable substances with striking, gorgeous test lines! The 5-substance panel test results for the rehydrated synthetic urine came back negative for THC and all other drugs without causing any worry. Overall urine simulation is one of the best synthetic urine available in the market with 100% happy customers.

Pros ●    Ideal for someone with an unsupervised urine drug test ●    Incredibly effective ●    Works within an hour

Cons ●    Can only be used for a urine drug test Click here to visit the official website

#2. Urinator Modern electronic urine testing equipment called The Urinator keeps testing temperature for at least four hours on a single set of batteries. Reusable and dependable, the Urinator. Nothing else on the market even comes close to matching the Urinator's quality! 

This small, user-friendly gadget uses cutting-edge technology to heat the control element in your experiment. One digitally controlled self-regulating heating element, two temperature test strips, one calibrated bottle filling device, an entire operator's manual, and a complimentary powdered synthetic urine sample are all included in the Urinator testing device set. Electronics in the heater are in charge of maintaining the proper temperature range without user input.

Donor urine is kept in the IV bag, which is intended to be hidden under clothing. A flexible tube that extends from the IV bag is fastened to the bag. The Urinator is quiet and comfortable to wear. To begin the flow to the container using gravity, release the clamp.

Pros ●    Contains a stainless-steel sensor rod with a precise temperature sensor that aids in temperature control. ●    Contains a sealed, computerized digital controller that regulates temperature and prevents electrical shorts. ●    A controller-connected flexible silicone heater. The heater is made to go underneath the IV bag and heat the fluid within. ●    To release the contents of the IV bag, vinyl tubing is attached to the other IV port (donor sample). To restrict the flow of synthetic urine, it comes with an easy-to-use clip.

●    An IV bag and a thermally insulating mini-blanket are used to restrict the heat, make the user more comfortable, and keep their skin from burning. Cons ●    Hand Warmers don’t do their job accurately sometimes ●    Only Duracell Battery works with the brand

Click here to visit the official website #3. Incognito Belt - Premixed Synthetic Urine on a belt A Clear Choice Incognito Belt synthetic urine kit is one of the finest clear choice products. It is among the top brands of fake pee available for unsupervised drug testing. The urine in the kit is 100 percent effective and toxin-free.

Because it is unisex, both men and women can use it. One bladder bag with 3.5 ounces (103.5 ml) of synthetic urine that can be used up to two times is included. The kit is really simple to use.

It is a "gravity-operated" gadget that produces synthetic urine that is 100% effective, undetectable, and toxin-free. Biocides are not used in any Clear Choice synthetic urine.

How does it work? To guarantee that the temperature is in line with the body's natural range, a heating pad is included. The urine travels via a rubber tube that is a component of a portable device. This tube can be concealed underneath garments by being wrapped around the waist. Removing a clip that keeps the pee in the bladder bag, delivers the urine. Their special pee formula, which imitates real human urine with a pH balance, specific gravity, and creatinine, among other characteristics, is constructed of 11 different chemical constituents, including urea and uric acid.

You can retain this Incognito Belt and use it anytime your company announces a surprise drug test because it has a two-year warranty. If the seal is broken and the sample is not utilized, the kit should be frozen for up to six months or refrigerated for 48 hours. A temperature strip is also included for checking the urine's temperature. Even though it is a little pricey, you get value for your money.

Many people who wish to do poorly on a drug test turn to the Incognito belt. It has all the components and nearly mimics actual human feces. The fact that it may be hidden beneath clothing and comes with a two-year warranty is its finest feature.

Pros: ●    It has a temperature strip and 2 heat pads ●    The kit comes with complete instructions to help first-time users ●    Up to 2-year shelf life from date of manufacture ●    It is unisex for Male or Female Use ●    It is undetectable ●    Biocide-free

Cons: ●    Slow heating up of urine ●    The heat pad keeps heating and does not stay constant. ●    Doesn’t come with an extra bladder so that it can be reused ●    Viable for only two uses

#4. Sub Solution Synthetic Urine Kit Since its release in 2003, Clear Choice Sub-Solution has maintained its position as the top product in its category. The greatest synthetic urine formula on the market is something that Clear Choice takes great pleasure in.

Their special urine formula, which mimics actual human urine and is pH, specific gravity, and creatinine balanced, is formed of 11 different chemical constituents, including urea and uric acid. Biocides are not used in any Clear Choice synthetic urine! The synthetic urine is heated to a typical physiological temperature using its unique heat activator compound 

Consult the box's comprehensive instructions if you need assistance putting together the solution. If you're unsure about this product, try the liquid form of synthetic urine.

How does it work? It has a proprietary heat activator compound that instantly raises the urine's temperature to that of the body's normal temperature. Use caution while adding the heat activator to the sample because too much powder can lead to overheating. This kit is constructed of the same 11 chemical substances as the Incognito Belt, including urea and uric acid. These substances allow you to pass a drug test because they mimic human urine.

Remember that once the solution is blended, you must either use it within 8 hours or store it in the refrigerator for 48 hours. You may also just store it in the freezer and use it within the following six months.

Due to its efficiency and cost, the Sub Solution Synthetic Urine Kit is a preferred option among users. First-timers may find it difficult to prepare for the solution, but they can always order a practice sample to use before the actual test. If you carefully follow the instructions, there shouldn't be a problem.

Pros: ●    100% Effective ●    Biocide Free ●    Undetectable ●    Standard Size Container ●    Free Synthetic Urine ●    Ideal Heat Source - raises the temperature within seconds ●    Unisex for Male or Female Use

Cons ●    The temperature strip sometimes doesn’t read accurately ●    Temperatures can sometimes rise above the required level

#5. Quick Luck Premium Synthetic Urine Kit The Clear Choice was launched in 1993, 2 years later this brand still thrives as being the best of its class. This 3 oz., pre-mixed, 100% effective synthetic urine is intended to be undetectable and toxin-free.

To accurately replicate real human pee, their top-secret urine formula uses 11 different chemical constituents, including urea and uric acid, that are adjusted for pH, specific gravity, and creatinine, to name a few.

How does it work? Their proprietary heat activator formula, which is part of the solution, raises the urine's temperature to that of the body. Two heat pads are also provided; each one has a life expectancy of up to 10 hours when activated. It rivals any other product on the market and is the only pre-mixed synthetic urine of its sort.

It is a unisex kit that may be used by both men and women. The urine is warmed to body temperature using the proprietary heat activator powder composition. Simply mix the powder until it is completely dissolved after adding it to the urine sample. If the sample hasn't reached the preferred temperature, add more. It also comes with two heat pads, each of which can be used for up to ten hours after being turned on.

The urine is free of biocides. If not in use, it can be frozen for up to six months or kept chilled for 48 hours. Given its high success rate and great quality, it is a popular choice among many clients.

When it comes to purchasing synthetic urine, many customers opt for Clear Choice's Quick Luck Kit. You can save the inconvenience of mixing the sample because the pee is already combined. Additionally, it is moderately priced and won't strain your budget.

Pros ●    100% effective ●    Standard 3oz container ●    Toxin and biocide-free ●    Unisex use ●    Safety sealed for your protection ●    Includes 2 Clear Choice heat pads ●    Includes our Heat Activator Powder – raises the temperature within seconds 

Cons ●    A bit high priced ●    Sometimes the temperature rises above what is required

What is Synthetic Urine? Synthetic urine is also called "synthetic pee" or "lab urine," and it closely mimics the composition, chemical properties, and overall appearance of human urine.  High-quality synthetic urine contains all the main elements of natural urine, including (among others) creatinine, uric acid, urea, ammonia, and sulfates. Both "genuine" and synthetic urines have roughly the same pH and specific gravity.

There are several typical varieties of fake urine, including dried powders and pre-mixed solutions, both of which lose their potency with time.

Synthetic urine is a liquid that has been carefully combined to resemble urine.

The following four factors are vital for creators to think about: Color: Chemists have developed a method for making synthetic urine appear genuine. Instead of being colorless, it usually has a "warm" yellowish hue.

Creatinine level - To make it appear as though the synthetic urine originated directly from the body, chemists add creatinine to it. Creatinine is a component that all useful synthetic urine products must include. Because it is a by-product of muscle metabolism, tests check for it.

Temperature: To make the liquid appear real, chemists first measure the temperature of real urine.

Certain components are diluted to make the urine appear original while measuring the pH level from the original pee. The urine is then examined and enhanced if necessary.

The quickest and most reliable approach to passing a pee test is without a doubt synthetic urine. However, using a kit calls for some luck as well as expertise. As a result, you have to swap it out without the inspector noticing. In order to swap it out, you have to sneak it into the test without the inspector noticing. 

The purpose of using synthetic urine In many professional and academic institutions, particularly in the United States, synthetic urine is utilized to pass a drug test. Employers have the right to demand drug tests from both new and current workers. A failed drug test typically results in termination from employment.

You might not have enough time to detoxify your body with some good ol' detox drinks because these tests can occasionally be unexpected. Additionally, this approach can be uncomfortable and takes a lot of time. This is why regular drug users choose to fake pee to pass a drug test.

Athletes who abuse drugs or chemicals or who use performance-enhancing substances may also utilize synthetic pee in place of their natural urine. To gain a pass with insurance companies, some people fabricate urine to hide a medical issue.

Types of Synthetic Urine? (Powdered and Liquid) With the increased use of sophisticated drug testing at work, employees have modified their cheating strategies. Employers should give priority to developing a drug-testing policy that makes use of procedures that have been scientifically verified, especially in fields where accidents are frequent. Everyone should be safe if employees don't arrive at work buzzed or intoxicated.

Both powder and liquid forms of synthetic urine are available, and many individuals are unsure which is best.

Liquid Urine It resembles drug-free human pee in terms of aroma, appearance, and chemical behavior. Liquid synthetic urine, often known as fake pee, fake piss, or false urine, is a material made synthetically in a lab to resemble actual urine. Successful fake urine will closely resemble the look, composition, and chemical characteristics of the genuine article. 

Similar to natural urine, it will include creatinine, urea, urea, ammonia, nitrates, uric acid, and sulfates. Synthetic poop comes in many different quality ranges, with the most complex designs closely replicating the pH, gravity, color, smell, and appearance of actual urine.

Pros ●    Comes in premixed form ●    Ideal for sudden tests

Powdered Urine You purchase the powder and mix it with water before the drug test rather than obtaining diluted synthetic urine. It is one of the simplest and most reliable ways to pass any drug test because it is entirely natural human pee that has undergone enormous dehydration.

When purchased, you’ll receive the sample in a vial, which you must transfer to a larger container to combine the components of the fake pee and create the urine. Even though the vial typically has enough materials to make a full bottle of fake pee, it's still vital to estimate your filtered water according to the manufacturer's instructions. 

Powdered urine must be mixed with distilled water and not tap water. This will ensure that your synthetic urine is free of contaminants.   Since dehydrated urine is drug-free, your chances of passing the test are higher. The pee produces precise results in a calibrating device since it preserves its characteristics and is identical to actual urine. An instruction manual should be included with each kit to guide you in properly combining powdered urine with water. However, a recent assessment of synthetic urine discovered that because the liquid form is already blended and ready to use, it is preferable to its powdered cousin. While using powdered urine necessitates doing it yourself, which raises the possibility of inaccuracy.

Pros ●    Easy to store ●    Longer shelf life

Cons ●    If improperly prepared, it may result in a failed drug test.

Buyer’s Guide For Synthetic Urine Without carefully reading the directions, do not attempt to prepare the test urine mixture. Be sure to warm your samples according to the manufacturer's instructions. The sample could be damaged by further heat. Additionally, it is always advised that you use such kits in compliance with local, state, and federal regulations. A fake pee's ingredients are essential to its success. For synthetic urine to be effective, it must have all the components that are present in actual urine. Urea and uric acid are eliminated by the body through pee and hence they form the necessary components of fake urine. Artificial urine created in labs to resemble human pee is known as synthetic urine. It should include the vital components of human urine, including

1.    Uric acid 2.    Urea 3.    Creatinine 4.    Sodium phosphate with sodium chloride 5.    Chloride of potassium 6.    pH values and urine consistency in humans 7.    Appropriate coloring

Take a look at the things you should keep in mind while purchasing Synthetic Urine products: Powdered vs. Liquid synthetic urine Powdered and liquid synthetic urine is often misunderstood. Simply explained, powdered synthetic urine has a longer shelf life even though it requires more effort to manufacture. On the other side, liquid synthetic urine has a shorter shelf life but is favorable for quick tests.

Creatinine level The kidneys filter the blood of creatinine, a waste substance produced by the body. Urine is then used to eliminate it from the body. Between 60 mg/dL to 300 mg/dL is the typical range for creatinine in urine.

Lab workers may become aware of low creatinine levels brought on by diluted urine. Therefore, be careful to purchase from a reputable company that maintains these appropriate levels in their synthetic urine products

Ingredients To pass for actual human urine, a synthetic urine sample needs to have the correct concentrations of substances such as ammonia, urea, uric acid, creatinine, and salt. It should have the same pH balance and consistency as real urine. The sample is most likely to be flagged if its color, scent, or appearance are off-target.

So, be sure to examine the ingredients before you buy and stick with trusted brands. Furthermore, customer reviews can provide you insight into whether or not a product is reliable.

Color Your food, degree of hydration, and medications all affect the color of your urine. Urochrome is the substance that gives urine its natural color. The color spectrum includes yellow and dark amber hues.

To avoid the lab technician rejecting your fake pee sample right away, make sure it has a yellow tint.

Urine temperature For a urine sample to be accepted as normal, it must be between 90°F and 98°F. The temperature begins to decrease as soon as the pee leaves the body. Temperature is one of the most important testing requirements. The sample will probably be flagged if the temperature is incorrect. Heat pads are included in synthetic pee kits to help you avoid this circumstance. The sample should be warmed before using the temperature strip to verify the temperature.

Foam The protein albumin, which is present in our actual urine, is what causes the foam. Albumin is already present in the urine from high-quality synthetic urine brands. Before sending the sample, it is advised to give it a little shake. Be careful not to overdo it.

Shelf life The kind and quality of the product have the biggest impact on the urine's shelf life. You can expect to use synthetic urine for two to three years on average. There are a few factors though, that can reduce their shelf life. Examples include exposure to extremely high or low temperatures, as well as excessive sun, oxygen, wind, humidity, and dust exposure.

Brand and Reliability You cannot buy just any urine test kit from the drugstore when your job is on the line. Pick a trustworthy manufacturer of synthetic urine that is open about the substances it uses and when it will expire. A product's thorough instruction manual and first-rate customer service are both major pluses. To determine whether a product is worthwhile, carefully read the user reviews.

Pricing There are numerous brands of synthetic urine on the market, and products are offered at a range of pricing points. The ones made in high-tech labs are quite expensive and of premium quality. Some are, however, also inexpensive. However, the price is typically secondary when it comes to a pre-employment drug test. Make sure it is authentic if you buy it from a private entity website. If you're using the kit for the first time, give yourself plenty of time to follow the instructions so that you don't panic and struggle with it. You can pass the drug test if you practice using synthetic (artificial) kits before the test.

Reviews You may learn a lot about the effectiveness of the products through customer reviews. It's critical to consider customer feedback, weigh product popularity, and base your choice on the most sincere reviews.

How Can I Tell if Synthetic Urine Is Poor Quality? It is never a good idea to use subpar synthetic urine for a drug test. Directly failing a drug test can result, and your chances of being caught are substantially higher. Here are three indicators of poor urine quality:

1.    Low price: The cost of synthetic urine kits might be anything from $40 and $100 or more. It is most likely of inferior quality if a company is offering it for less than that. 2.    Substandard packaging: Who knows what else a brand may be sacrificing if they don't invest in its packaging? We all know that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but you shouldn't experiment if your job is on the line. 3.    Accessible from third-party websites: It is advised to buy synthetic urine kits from reputable firms' or brands' websites that specialize in these items. The legitimacy of the kits sold on third-party websites like Amazon or eBay cannot be trusted or verified.

Considerations for Using Synthetic Urine Kits Whether you've used synthetic urine previously or not, you're constantly worried about failing the test or being discovered. You can lower your odds of this happening if you remember a few things. Look at this:

●    Read the directions thoroughly: Although preparing the urine sample can seem simple, a small error in the water-powder concentration can result in a failed drug test. It is imperative to carefully study the directions because of this.

The majority of synthetic urine kits include a user guide that you should read. It is best to get some practice handling the sample before the test so that you are prepared.

●    Keep the appropriate temperature: The temperature of human urine ranges from 90 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The doctor or lab technician will typically take a temperature reading of the sample when you deliver it to them to see whether it is appropriate for testing. 96 degrees Fahrenheit is the preferred temperature. For many, heating synthetic urine can be a headache. But if you want to pass a drug test, it's essential. Make sure to warm it up with the heat pads as a result. The kit's temperature strip might assist you in confirming the temperature.

●    Preservation: It is advisable to open the urine sample's seal on the day of the test. If you use synthetic urine powder, just prepare the solution on the day of the test, and use it within eight hours. If not in use, store it in the freezer for up to 6 months or in the refrigerator for 48 hours.

Please be aware that prolonged exposure to environmental factors including sunlight, wind, cold, and oxygen can shorten the shelf life of synthetic urine. It is therefore advisable to keep it out of environments like those. Also, don’t forget to verify the expiration date of the products before using them.

What Other Purposes Does Synthetic Urine Serve? In addition to helping you pass a drug test, synthetic urine is utilized for many other purposes. Look at this:

Calibration of urinalysis equipment: The urinalysis equipment is calibrated and tested using synthetic urine. It helps to make sure that these tools work effectively. Research: Since synthetic urine mimics actual human feces, it is used by doctors and researchers to carry out a variety of tests. They use it in laboratories to create new recipes. Testing the effect of pee on diapers and medical equipment also uses fake urine.

Education and training: To conduct experiments and learn about urinalysis, medical students utilize fictitious urine.

Wildlife activities: Synthetic urine is used by gardeners as an insect repellant. They employ it to stop pests and insects from damaging crops and vegetation. To prevent the animals from smelling them, hunters and wildlife photographers spread fake pee on themselves.

Sales: During their demonstrations of cleaning products and stain and odor removers, many salespeople utilize fake urine. It helps convince buyers of the usefulness of the goods they are trying to sell.

For amusement, some people purchase fake pee online to be used in amusing videos or for practical jokes. Let's face it: using fake pee gives your friend's bedwetting prank a more authentic feel.

FAQ’s Q. Shelf life of synthetic urine? Yes, synthetic urine has a finite shelf life, much like the majority of other items. Depending on the product, the manufacturer, the formulation, and the storage circumstances, they can last anywhere from a few months to almost three years.

Q. Can you freeze synthetic urine? A few synthetic urines may be stored and thawed, while others do not require freezing and will remain good for up to 2 years. We recommend you to inquire with your manufacturer for the appropriate details.

Q. Can the test detect synthetic urine? They are used to calibrate machinery because the brands used to certify mechanical tools are undetectable. Since they would have to buy real human urine from donors and it would contain bacteria that would contaminate the urine, they are not interested in using real human urine.

Q. Can you hide synthetic urine in drug tests? Since the majority of laboratories do not conduct genetic analyses on specimens, synthetic urine will be effective for drug tests. To persuade the testing team that the provided specimen was created naturally and is real, the synthetic urine must be kept warm and have an approximate temperature of 98°F when in use. Because the necessary circumstances are the same as those for human urine, a standard urine analysis cannot tell if a urine sample is synthetic or natural.

Q. How much synthetic urine do I need? 1.5 ounces to 5 ounces. Any forgery of pee will include at least this amount. Purchase more sets if you intend to practice at your house.

Q. Is synthetic pee unisex? All synthetic urine products are gender-neutral. Gender is never determined when urine is examined.

Q. Is synthetic urine legal? Federal law doesn't make it illegal to cheat on a drug test. However, many states make the process illegal, with punishments ranging from fines to imprisonment.

Conclusion Nothing is more terrifying than showing up for a drug test unprepared. Synthetic urine is the way to go if you require a quick, simple, and trustworthy answer. Your bottle of fake pee will last a long time if you abide by the advice we provided above, allowing you to enjoy it for as long as possible. Let us summarize by giving you our recommendation for the product that made it onto our list of the best synthetic urine. The Urine Simulation is the obvious choice. This trusted fake pee kit has been available for more than 16 years. It stands out from the competitor's thanks to its popularity with customers and simple-to-use technology.

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