Telephone - Cruise Lounge: Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 21:00 Sat, Sun & Holidays: 10:00 - 17:00 Tap the numberSince many Orient and Dubai cruises are now offered by AIDA Cruises, MSC Cruises, Costa Cruises and other shipping companies, there are more and more questions about the Orient and Dubai.Here we look at the drugs in Dubai.– In Dubai and in the United Arab Emirates there are strict rules when it comes to medicines and drugs, so you should definitely check beforehand what kind of medicines you have in the first-aid kit.Some drugs that are perceived as less bad in this country are on the blacklist in Dubai and are listed as prohibited drugs.For example, you can get the contraceptive pill there without any problems, antidepressants that require a prescription here are on the forbidden list there and have to be certified by doctors.While aspirin is harmless on its own, it can be banned when it is mixed with codeine, for example, or in various other combinations of active ingredients.This also applies to paracetamol.Also take a look at the first-aid kit, there are often a lot of medicines for all diseases and symptoms that are in the world.Since there are people who need certain medications, it is imperative that they have this confirmed by their doctor, then there shouldn't be a problem.Here is a form to be filled out, signed and stamped by the doctor for prescription drugs that are essential.=> Medication formHowever, you are only allowed to bring a supply for a maximum of three months, ok this is rather a rarity on cruises now, but should not go unmentioned.The list of banned drugs in Dubai is relatively long and was drawn up and published by the UAE Ministry of Health and violations are rigorously enforced by the Ministry of the Interior and the Drug Control Board (INCB).The drugs may only be managed and sold by large pharmacies and only on prescription from doctors.The import is strictly prohibited if the medication is not required by the patient and a doctor has confirmed this accordingly.The prescription drugs listed below may only be brought into the Emirates if a form from the doctor is available, some say that it must also be certified by a notary.You can find the exact regulations in English here: Drug introduction Dubai / Orient / UAEHere you can find the 374 drugs that are banned in Dubai or the United Arab Emirates:Source and more info: not miss any news and information!Order the daily cruise news and information from SuK completely FREE!We don't send spam!Learn more in our privacy policy.Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription.Dear Sir or Madam, This list worries us a little.We both take a lot of medicines that were prescribed by the doctor.Do we have to have them confirmed even if they are not on the list?Kind regardsYes, you have to get a certificate from the doctor, preferably in English, or the need to take your medication with you.Confirm intake, then everything is fine.Hello, Thank you for the effort you make to keep us crusaders up to date.I was just looking at the Dubai drug list.Do I understand correctly that all other medicines that are not listed there can be taken with you without any problems?For example, my husband needs Novalgin drops.Actually yes.If they are not on the banned list.The regulations in English state that the letter must be certified by the doctor.Is that so?Oh wow!I didn't know that at all, thank you very much for this great article!I'll be working on a cruise ship soon.The tours are mainly around Dubai or the Emirates and partly also India.Since I have a slight fear of flying, my father gave me a strip with 10 pieces of Bromazepam Genercon 3mg.I'll take one before flying, so I'll have 9 pieces.Just as info, if the quantity is also decisive.He said that I can also take them when I'm very stressed, etc. because they relieve anxiety but also stress, so I would take the 9 pieces with me on the ship.But he says that I should find out more about whether you can take them with me, because he doesn't know himself.Hence my question, can I carry them with me without hesitation since they are not listed, or should I find out more specific information somewhere....and if so, where should I find out more!?LGYou should rather ask your doctor and, if in doubt, have a document issued.I can't give you any binding statements.Sorry, but this list does not contain any (in the sense of German law) narcotics such as morphine or opiates that are definitely sold in the Emirates, Qatar or Bahrain without state certification (apostille for Qatar and Bahrain or legalization for the UAE) and final certification by the respective embassy may not be brought in or taken along.According to the UAE embassy in Berlin, Hiroshimastrasse, the Emirates need a permit to import BTM from the health department in Abu Dhabi.The import of general medication is no problem with simple medical certificates.On what basis was this list created here?This is a duplicate of an official list from Dubai.And drugs are drugs, so they're not on the list separately.But if it is clearly stated that drugs of any kind are forbidden and if opiates are to be taken as medicines, then you know that you have to deal with the subject very meticulously, worldwide, not just in Dubai, in order to avoid problems.If it is pointed out here that the import of medicines into the Emirates and other Moslem states is strictly regulated, it should also be pointed out that there are no "forbidden" medicines per se, but for the import and carrying of general medicines medical certificate, for the import of BTM several official certifications and the final certification of the respective embassy are required and on top of that for the UAE the written permission from Abu Dhabi to be allowed to import and carry these BTM.It is correct to say that morphine and opiates are not drugs, such as heroin, LSD or cannabis, but anesthetics, i.e. medicines.Unfortunately, there is a lot of misleading information circulating on the Internet about taking medicines with you, the certification process for importing BTM, and the associated high costs, e.g. in the Orient.I don't know exactly what you want from me.We are merely repeating what the Emirates government says.Unfortunately I can't help it if you don't like it.sorryIt's not about what I like and what I don't like.It's about the enormous amount of half-knowledge being spread by holidaymakers, who themselves have never personally faced the situation of having to bring BTM or general medicines into the Emirates and have them with them.Personal interpretation of public websites is always a matter of opinion, but for affected readers of blogs like this one, it can be dangerous for example when entering Dubai at customs if the information provided is not correct.I still don't understand your problem.Everything is pointed out and the necessary pages are also linked.You can't do more, sorry - especially since I'm not interpreting anything at all but quoting - there are already 800 worlds between them.Hello Pascal, and thanks for taking the trouble to put this list up to date (just reading the date above).I'm going to Dubai for the first time soon, we're 5 days in the city and 1 day in the desert, all with a group and (mostly) a tour guide.What about things like sunburn cream, diarrhea medicine and especially homeopathy?Can you take this with you in small quantities without hesitation?Would be grateful for any advice, since I'm just a bit on the hose here ...?Best regardsSunscreen is clear, no problem.It's all about drugs and active ingredients.The list here is issued by the government so anything not on the list shouldn't be a problem either, except any kind of drugs.The list is the currently valid list of the government.Thanks for the answer!What about the "pill" that can be taken without a doctor's letter??And valerian ???Find nothing to thank you NicoleIf that's not on the list, then yes.Hello, so I can take travel tablets, Iboprophen or Aspirin and also Perenterol forte (against diarrhea) to Abu Dhabi without any problems?Can you take ointments with you, eg Voltaren?If that's not on the list, yes.Hello, I'm going on a cruise to the Orient in November.Can I take medication with me, for example with the active ingredient diclofenac?What about seawater nasal spray against the dry air on the plane?As I read correctly above, you are not allowed to carry painkillers that contain the active ingredient paracetamol?Thank you in advanceI'm not a doctor.I have only reproduced the list issued by the government.Did I understand correctly that a doctor's certificate is sufficient?I am traveling from Dubai with Aida PrimaPlease ask your doctor for details.Hello, is the list still up to date?Hello, is there a link where you can download the current Black List?Or in other words, how reliable is the list of drugs and their active ingredients?It's best to always try Google, there are lists from the government that are always updated there.Your email address will not be published.Required fields are marked with *All links are affiliate links.This means that we receive a commission for bookings.This does not change the travel price.All links are ADVERTISING!– That’s what the case law says in part ;)All links are affiliate links.This means that we receive a commission for bookings.This does not change the travel price.Change privacy settings |History of privacy settings |revoke consents