New substances appear every day that promise to improve performance in training and gain popularity in gyms and also among high-performance athletes.One such substance is oxandrolone, a type of anabolic steroid derived from testosterone.Shall we understand better about it – and its effects – in the paragraphs below?WHAT IS OXANDROLONE AND WHAT IS IT FOR?As we mentioned above, oxandrolone is a steroid derived from testosterone, the male hormone.Currently, it is used in some specific treatments, but also for muscle mass gain because of its anabolic effects – which can, in fact, be a problem."Hormone replacement is indicated when you have a deficiency, that is, a low amount of a certain hormone in your body, which can affect your biological functions and bring damage", explains Dr.Paula Pires, endocrinologist and metabologist.“But most people are not hormonally deficient and still use excess hormones for muscle and performance enhancement purposes.”By the way, this is an important point, after all, the only “benefit” of oxandrolone is the aid in gaining muscle mass.However, this gain does not outweigh its side effects and risks.THE RISKS OF USING OXANDROLONE“In general, people who use drugs to increase performance in sports or for aesthetic purposes make use of different types of anabolic steroids and very high doses”, explains the doctor."In these cases, used without medical indication, they can cause numerous side effects."Among them, the endocrinologist cites:“After using anabolic steroids, men may experience sexual dysfunction (decreased libido),” she continues.“In young people, the use of anabolic steroids can lead to premature closure of growth cartilages, which can lead to impaired growth and loss of predicted height.”And if you think it's over… There's more.In women, there can also be an increase in the size of the clitoris, menstrual irregularity, infertility, reduction in the volume of the breasts, deepening of the voice and the appearance of excessive hair and in areas where only men have hair, such as the face and chest.That is why the prescription and use of substances such as oxandrolone without medical advice is not reliable, as they can come “baptized” with other substances that generate even more harm to the body.Another point of attention is the effects of this specific anabolic on heart health.According to Dr.Caio Henrique, cardiologist and arrhythmologist at InCor USP, studies on the substance and the heart are inconclusive, but it is known that androgens can decrease levels of good cholesterol (HDL-c) and increase bad cholesterol (LDL-c).“The administration of androgens is also associated with a greater production of thrombotic and clotting proteins in the body itself”, says the specialist.For starters, the use of oxandrolone is contraindicated for patients with breast cancer, prostate cancer, pregnant women and patients with excess calcium in the blood.In addition, there is also the issue of common sense: “I am against its use for aesthetic purposes and consider the risk to be greater than the benefit in the general population”, says Dr.Paula.“There is no scientific evidence that demonstrates the safety of the indiscriminate use of these substances.”If the patient presents symptoms of testosterone deficiency, the recommendation is to seek an endocrinologist doctor for a proper evaluation.In the case of mass gain, there are natural ways that work with food plus a training routine, which are quite effective and generate fewer side effects on the body – but for that, you also need professional guidance.From BRL 12.90/monthFrom BRL 12.90/monthFrom BRL 9.90/monthFrom BRL 9.90/monthFrom BRL 19.90/monthFrom BRL 9.90/monthCopyright © Abril Mídia S A. All rights reserved.