A study suggests substances touted to improve athletic performance can activate a receptor that accelerates the progression of pre-cancerous lesions to pancreatic cancer in mice.
Researchers at the University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center have found a cell nuclear receptor activat
A study suggests substances touted to improve athletic performance can activate a receptor that accelerates the progression of pre-cancerous lesions to pancreatic cancer in mice.
Researchers at the University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center have found a cell nuclear receptor activat
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Back pain: Will treatment for the mind, body—or both—help?
Colon cancer screening decisions: What’s the best option and when?
Cognitive effects in midlife of long-term cannabis use
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Muscle strength increased more than 10% after performing one 3-second "eccentric" contraction daily, Monday to Friday, for four weeks, showing a small amount of exercise stimulus is still effective.
As the summer season quickly approaches, many people are looking to get into shape
Period equity: What it is and why it matters
Back pain: Will treatment for the mind, body—or both—help?
Colon cancer screening decisions: What’s the best option and when?
Cognitive effects in midlife of long-term cannabis use
If climate change keeps you up at night,