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Crazy Bulk Testol 140 is a legal alternative to RAD 140 (testolone). It was created to offer bodybuilders and athletes the same muscle building benefits of the SARM with the side effects and the legal complications. This Testol-140 review covers all aspects of the product; what is it, what it does, what is in it and also provides some real Testol 140 reviews from customers that have used it.
Order Testol 140 Direct - Check Offers
Increases lean muscle mass naturally and safely
Fires-up metabolism to burn excess fat
Can mimic rapid anabolic gains
Legal to buy and use
At its most basic, Testol 140 is a testosterone booster. You may have guessed that by the name.
However, this is anything but a run-of-the-mill testosterone-boosting supplement. It was developed to provide bodybuilders with a safe alternative to a popular bodybuilding drug called Testolone, which is also often referred to by its original development code, RAD 140 .
RAD 140 has much in common with anabolic steroids but there are differences. RAD 140 is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM), not a steroid.
Testol 140 is neither a steroid nor a SARM, it's an all-natural supplement designed to increase testosterone levels sufficiently to deliver SARM and steroid-like benefits. It's also designed to be 100% safe. In case you haven't heard, SARMs and steroids are not.
In this Testol 140 review, we are going to put this legal and safe alternative underneath the microscope and see how good it really is. We are going to take a look at how it works, the way it compares to steroids and SARMs, and the abilities of the ingredients the supplement contains.
As and when necessary, we will reference scientific studies and research papers, all of which are available online. We will provide links to these at the bottom of the page.
However, before we begin evaluating the supplement and its ingredients, we will provide a little information about testosterone, steroids, SARMs, and the value all three have as muscle growth enhancers, along with the benefits they provide in other areas.
Testol 140 can also be used in a SARM bulking stack to improve results. The bulking stack includes other Crazy Bulk legal SARMs.
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"Great formula for helping to maintain lean muscle mass. Clean and don't give stomach cramps. Helped me cut fat and increase my muscle development after about a month on it."
"I’m 37 and my testosterone levels were low and I couldn't gain muscle mass. I was tired all the time. Testol-140 saved my life!! I have more energy and stamina. I can see more muscle definition."
"Felt incredible while taking Testol-140. My mood was great and my energy lasted a lot longer. My workout routine lasts longer and I feel so much stronger."
" I'm a hard gainer, I find it difficult to put on muscle. Testol 140 helped me increase muscle mass and boosted my physical performance. I have so much more energy and staying power now. "
"I am a powerlifter, taking Testol 140 made me blast through my plateau, I am lifting more than ever now"
" Been taking Testol-140 for about 4 months, I used a bulking stack with LGD 4033 and Ostarine MK 2866. I have tons more muscle power and muscular mass. I also use it in combo with some other supplements in a cutting stack, it really helps decrease body fat and fat reduction. "
Manufactured by Crazy Bulk - a leading supplement company that specializes in legal steroids, SARM and bodybuilding products.
Crazy Bulk has been in existence for around a decade. In this time Crazy Bulk has pretty much revolutionized the bodybuilding and muscle supplement industry. Nowadays you do not need to compromise your health for massive muscle gains. You can build lean muscle mass with natural ingredients just as quickly without subjecting your body to the harmful effects of anabolic steroids.
Testosterone is a steroid produced in the body. It's also the male sex hormone.
In its role as a steroid, testosterone aids muscle growth and repair, improves bone density, aids fat burning, provides invigoration, and even assists clear thinking. It's a busy bee.
In its role as an androgen hormone, testosterone is a key player in the many changes that occur during puberty and adolescence. Changes that transform little boys into men.
Men don't have a monopoly on testosterone. Women produce it in their bodies too but to a much lesser extent. The androgen hormone estrogen is the driving force in the female body but we don't need to delve too deeply into the various differences between the sexes here.
When men are low in testosterone, it can lead to many undesirable issues including reductions in bone and muscle mass. It can also cause loss of libido and interfere with a man's ability to have sex.
At the other end of the scale, higher testosterone levels can help men improve their overall body composition by fueling improvements in muscle mass and reductions in body fat.
Other potential benefits include increased energy, greater stamina, heightened sex drive, and improvements in sexual performance.
Most of these benefits are due to testosterone's ability to bind with androgen receptors.
Androgen receptors allow testosterone to react with muscle tissue. When they bind with the hormone it enhances protein synthesis and muscle gains.
Steroids and SARMs are chemical impostors that share testosterone's ability to bind with androgen receptors and improve muscle growth.
Selective androgen receptor modulators are reputed to be safer than steroids because they only bind with the androgen receptors in muscle and bone. However, all SARMs, including RAD 140, can present dangerous side effects. They are experimental drugs and should never be seen as safe.
Testolone is an investigative SARM created by Radius Health. The company name is the source of the "RAD" in the drug development code.
Like other true SARMs, it takes over the role of testosterone. This causes your body to produce less. The result of this is you cannot just stop using RAD 140. You need to follow your cycle with a post-cycle therapy (PCT) until your testosterone production comes back online.
However, animal-based research suggests the RAD 140 SARM may deliver notable improvements in muscle size. For this reason, it has become a very popular bodybuilding SARM.
Some bodybuilders use RAD 140 on its own. Far more cycle it alongside other SARMs and steroids, but it's not approved for human use. It remains an experimental drug. There may be significant dangers involved.
In 2020, Hepatology Communications published two cases of bodybuilders who suffered liver damage due to using this SARM. [1]
Testol 140 is the Crazy Bulk safe alternative to Testolone RAD 140. You may have heard of Crazy Bulk because the company gets a lot of respect for its range of safe and legal alternative steroid substitutes.
Instead of pushing your natural testosterone out of the way and replacing it with a synthetic alternative, Testol 140 helps your body increase testosterone production.
By doing this, the supplement makes extra testosterone available to bind with the androgen receptors in your muscles. This, of course, results in greater enhancements in protein synthesis - and SARM-like muscle growth.
Crazy Bulk tells its customers to expect the following results:
Safe increases in muscle mass and bulk
Greater exposure of your muscle mass
In this case, Crazy Bulk is selling its supplement short.
The key thing to remember here is that Testol 140 is a testosterone booster. That means, if you use it, you can expect all the benefits associated with higher testosterone production.
This may include improvements in libido and sexual performance, and improvements in cognitive function. As with the SARM it replaces, Testol 140 should also improve bone mineral density.
It can be used in a bulking stack and is accepted to be among the best bulking SARMs in existence.
Each (4-capsule) dose of Testol 140 provides nine ingredients in the following quantities:
Pomegranate whole fruit powder (300 mg)
Please note Fenugreek and KSM-66 are provided here in concentrated form.
Fenugreek is concentrated to four times normal strength. That means the 400 mg the supplement contains is the equivalent of 1.6 grams of standard-strength fenugreek extract.
KSM-66 is 12 times normal strength so don't accept the 300 mg inclusion rate at face value. It's the equivalent of 3.6 grams of KSM-66 provided at normal strength.
Using concentrates like these allows Crazy Bulk to keep the size of the pills reasonably small.
Here is a deeper dive into the ingredients included in the Testol140 formula and what they actually do.
Zinc has a longstanding reputation as a testosterone booster. Data collected via numerous clinical trials confirm the important role this mineral plays in testosterone production.
Data from one study is particularly interesting. Some of the participants were young men in good health. The rest of the participants were elderly men who were marginally zinc deficient.
The scientists reduced zinc intake among the younger men, causing them to become zinc deficient. Although the induced deficiency was only slight, after 20 weeks, the young men were showing a significant drop in testosterone.
Meanwhile, the scientists gave the elderly men daily doses of zinc via supplements. After six months, the men's serum testosterone levels had almost doubled. [2]
Magnesium is another mineral that can boost testosterone. However, although zinc is present in most good testosterone-boosting supplements, magnesium is not - this is where Testol 140 has an advantage over competing SARM alternatives.
Magnesium may not be a popular choice with supplement manufacturers but it's great to see Crazy Bulk using it here. It's a perfect choice for a supplement that's aimed at men who like to lift weights. The results of one clinical trial, in particular, prove that this is so.
The researchers in charge of the study in question set out to explore the relationship between magnesium, exercise, and testosterone levels.
Some of the research subjects were men with sedentary lifestyles. The rest were taekwondo athletes who were training for 90-120 minutes each day.
Data from the study shows the magnesium supplements increased free and total testosterone levels in the men of both groups.
However, the increase was more notable among the athletic men. [3]
Vitamin B6 aids energy metabolism by helping the body extract energy from food. If you have ever noticed its presence in energy drinks and this has given you pause for thought, now you know why it is there.
You take Testol 140 before training so, it goes without saying, the vitamin B6 it provides may help empower your workout. However, vitamin B6 has value in multiple areas some of which may be particularly beneficial to bodybuilders and other athletes who like to train.
Research suggests vitamin B6 may play a role in protein synthesis. Results from one study that supports this theory suggest the vitamin may also increase testosterone uptake and sensitivity in the tissues. [4]
More recently, scientists have discovered vitamin B6 appears to have a favorable effect on the muscle stem cells that are a driving force in muscle regeneration. [5]
There are two forms of vitamin D available to supplement manufacturers - vitamin D2 and vitamin D3.
One form is plant-based. The other comes from animals. Testol 140 provides vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). That's the animal-based form. It's generally produced from sheep wool. However, regardless of its source, its presence in the formulation will make Testol 140 an unsatisfactory option for vegans and vegetarians.
Vitamin D has a longstanding association with improvements in testosterone. It also aids calcium absorption, helping to provide strong bones. In addition to doing these things, vitamin D assists good health in many other ways including supporting healthy immune function.
Even if you disregard its reputation as a testosterone booster, vitamin D is still a worthy inclusion for a formulation like this one. Research suggests a link between muscle strength and function. [6]
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a fatty acid that's naturally occurring in meat and dairy products. Grass-fed beef is a particularly good source.
However, the CLA in supplements is plant-based. It's refined from safflower oil.
CLA does not boost testosterone. Nevertheless, it's a good addition to the Testol 140 formulation.
Although some testosterone boosters are designed for middle-aged men suffering from low testosterone, Testol 140 does not hang with that crowd. It's made for men who want to gain more muscle and have a superior physique.
Research shows CLA enhances fat-burning capability while also offering modest improvements in muscle mass. [7]
As a companion ingredient to the main testosterone boosters in the formulation, CLA is first-rate and Testol 140 provides a very generous dose.
As you probably know, fenugreek is a popular Indian cooking spice. It's also a key player in traditional Indian medicine. However, its flavor and medicinal value are not of particular interest here.
Crazy Bulk has chosen to add a little spice to its RAD 140 alternative because fenugreek is one of the best natural testosterone boosters.
It's pretty powerful stuff as well. Results from several clinical trials show fenugreek has a significant effect on serum testosterone levels. [8]
KSM-66 is a branded Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) extract that's standardized to deliver a consistently high potency. A lot of people will tell you it's superior to standard extracts and we agree.
Ashwagandha is an adaptogen herb. Like all adaptogens, it's good for relieving anxiety and stress. That's a useful benefit in itself because stress can be detrimental to normal testosterone production.
However, Ashwagandha is also a very credible testosterone booster. The results of one study show the herb increased testosterone levels by up to 22% in only 3 months. [9]
Pomegranate is a good source of antioxidants. This fruity natural wonder also provides compounds that help clear arterial plaque, balance cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and generally support good cardiovascular health. [10]
Lifting weights is difficult so anything that makes life easier for the heart can only be good but there is an additional advantage as well.
When circulation improves, the muscles get a better supply of blood. This allows them to get extra oxygen and nutrients. The extra oxygen supports improvements in workout ability. The extra nutrients aid post-workout recovery and muscle growth.
Senactive is a proprietary ingredient that pairs Panax ginseng with extracts from the shrub Rosa roxburghii.
Panax ginseng is a proven testosterone booster in its own right. [11]
Although not as famous as ginseng, Rosa roxburghii provides compounds that allegedly have anti-aging capabilities.
However, despite its possible value in other areas, Senactive is primarily used in sports supplements.
You need to take Testol 140 every day, not just the ones when you train.
The dose is four capsules per day, taken with a glass of water. On training days, you should take them 30-45 minutes before your workout. Doing so will give you extra energy and stamina while you train.
On non-training days, the timing is not so crucial but, presuming you have a regular training time, we suggest sticking to the same dose time on your rest days as well. This will help you to maintain the optimum level of anabolic compounds active in your blood.
Crazy Bulk recommends using the supplement for at least 2-3 months. Doing so will allow you to make more appreciable gains.
Unfortunately, customer reviews are thin on the ground but, so far, Testol 140 customers only have good things to say.
Testol 14 does not have any known side effects if taken in accordance with the manufacturer's usage instruction.
As with all the best SARMs alternatives, you can only buy Testol 140 from the manufacturer's website. Each bottle provides enough pills to run a 30-day cycle.
At the time of this review Crazy Bulk was only charging $69.99 per bottle.
Testol 140 is legally available to buy in the US, Canada, Australia, the UK and many other countries worldwide.
Crazy Bulk also has some very good ongoing offers such as buying two bottles and getting the third one for free. It also allows customers to buy five bottles for the price of three.
The site offers occasional flash sales as well. These provide a further discount of up to 20% but generally only run for 24 hours. You'll know if one is running when you visit the site because there will be a countdown timer at the bottom of the page.
Regardless of the size of your order, as a new customer, you have the protection of the Crazy Bulk 60-day money-back guarantee.
If you have taken the time to read this Testol 140 review, it's probable you are seeking a product capable of boosting your muscle growth safely. Crazy Bulk's RAD 140 alternative can do this.
It's also possible you may be seeking a safer option than SARMs and Steroids. Again, Testol 140 fits the bill in this area too. Testol140 is legal - it won't cause you to get in trouble with the World anti doping agency (WADA) if you are a competition bodybuilder or weightlifter.
Steroids enhance muscle growth. SARMs can do this too but, in both cases, there are risks involved.
Testol 140 can offer benefits that are comparable to steroids and SARMs without presenting such risks. Plus it does not suppress your testosterone. It increases it instead. That means there is no need for a PCT and you can continue using dietary supplements for as long as you want.
It even has a money-back guarantee. That means no risk to your health and no money to lose. In our book, that's a pretty sweet deal.
1. Drug‐Induced Liver Injury by Selective Androgenic Receptor Modulators:
2. Zinc Status and Serum Testosterone Levels of Healthy Adults:
3. Effects of Magnesium Supplementation on Testosterone Levels of Athletes and Sedentary Subjects at Rest and After Exhaustion:
4. Increased Target Tissue Uptake Of, and Sensitivity To, Testosterone in the Vitamin B6 Deficient Rat:
5. Vitamin B6 Regulates Muscle Satellite Cell Function: A Novel Possible Role of Vitamin B6 in Muscle Regeneration:
6. Effects of Vitamin D on Muscle Function and Performance: A Review of Evidence from Randomized Controlled Trials:
7. Impact of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) on Skeletal Muscle Metabolism:
8. Effect of Fenugreek Extract Supplement on Testosterone Levels in Male: A Meta-Analysis of Clinical Trials:
9. Withania somnifera Improves Semen Quality in Stress-Related Male Fertility:
10. Pomegranate for Your Cardiovascular Health:
11. Effects of Panax Ginseng C.a. Meyer Saponins on Male Fertility:
Testol-140 is a natural alternative to Rad 140 SARM. It is made with natural ingredients as opposed to chemicals. Testol 140 can produce similar muscle building and lean muscle mass results without the side effects associated with the original SARM.
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