Why do people use steroids? Anabolic steroid use has been rising in the past few years, with many brands flooding the market today. The demand is rising every year. About three to four million Americans use anabolic steroids for different purposes.
People use steroids to achieve that body they always dreamed of. Many professional athletes are known to use steroids to enhance their performance. Celebrities use it for weight management. Security personnel, bouncers, and fighters use steroids to improve job performance. Some people use steroids to treat medical conditions.
You probably heard the different street names pumpers, Arnolds, roids, stackers, and gym candy. They all mean the same- anabolic steroids. Which one should you take? This is a question that can be confusing and overwhelming.
It is important to first understand what anabolic steroids do and then decide based on your goals. Let us look at some of the anabolic steroids available in the market and learn what they can do for you.
Anabolic steroids are drugs that help the body increase its muscle mass. They work by increasing the number of muscle cells in the body. Anabolic steroids are also called anabolic-androgenic steroids or AASs. AASs are synthetic versions of testosterone, the primary male hormone. Testosterone is essential to maintain muscle growth and develop secondary male sex characteristics like facial hair and deep voice.
Some anabolic steroids are also used to treat medical conditions like delayed puberty and other conditions that lead to muscle loss. However, many people use them illegally, especially in the sports industry. In the United States, you cannot get AASs without a prescription, but it’s not required in some countries.
A lot of athletes are reported to use them not only to boost muscle mass but also to enhance performance and endurance and shorten the muscle recovery time between workouts.
About 32 types of anabolic steroids are sold on websites. The steroids can be taken in different methods. You can take it by mouth, by injection, as cream or gel on the skin, or as pellet implants under the skin.
Users of anabolic steroids use them following different patterns. Some use them in cycles. For example, they use AASs from 6-12 weeks, then take several months off. Others use a stacking method to combine different types of steroids for a maximized effect. Others use the pyramiding method where they gradually increase their steroids dosage working towards a peak and then reduce their intake.
When you take anabolic steroids, they will travel through your bloodstream to the muscle tissue and then bind to an androgen receptor. The steroid will subsequently react with the cell’s DNA, stimulating the process of protein synthesis to promote cell growth.
The muscle-building capabilities of anabolic steroids are well-documented. However, whether you take anabolic steroids on prescription or illegally, there are side effects to consider. Normal doses of anabolic steroids taken under a prescription have potential side effects, including:
Meanwhile, people who use anabolic steroids illegally or without prescription in quantities of from 10 to 100 times the dose face increased health risks, including the following:
There are also different side effects and risks for women and adolescents who use anabolic steroids. Women taking anabolic steroids may experience changes in their menstrual cycles, shrinking breasts, increased sex drive, increased facial and body hair growth, and deepening of the voice. Adolescents may face risks of stunted growth.
Don’t forget the risks associated with sharing needles in injecting anabolic steroids. The dangers of hepatitis B and C infections, as well as HIV transmission, are there.
You may have difficulty choosing which anabolic steroids are best suited for you with so many options. You have to consider some things when selecting a suitable anabolic steroid to meet your needs. Among these are the ingredients used in the steroids, your body composition, your fitness goals, the brand or reputation of the manufacturer, feedback and reviews from people who consumed the product, and finally, the results.
Let’s check out four of the best steroids for cutting body fat and building lean muscle to give you that body you always dreamed of.
To sum it up, taking steroids is a personal decision that you should make. Define your goals, and carefully consider all the information you’ve learned and the pros and cons, risks, and benefits of taking asteroids. Don’t forget that you cannot just take anabolic steroids and expect magic results. You have to exercise and eat a proper diet to get the desired results.
Not all anabolic steroids are created equal. Some steroids are better suited for specific individuals than others. Misuse of anabolic steroids can have devastating health effects. It is crucial to consult with a health provider or doctor before taking any anabolic steroids . This is to determine which ones are the most effective to help you meet your individual goals.
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