Winstrol Bodybuilding Steroid: Cutting Results, Cycle, Buy Legal Winstrol Online | Ask The Experts |

2022-07-15 19:44:34 By : Mr. LEO LIU

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Are you looking for cutting steroids and have heard about Winstrol? This strong anabolic steroid can help you lose body fat while preserving lean muscle mass.

There are a few things you should know before you start using Winstrol. I will explain what it is, what it is really used for and what the side side effects and health concerns are. I will also outline how to use Winstrol for bodybuilding - including how to cycle, what is the correct dose, what other steroids to stack with it – as well as where to BUY LEGAL WINSTROL ONLINE .

Where to Buy Legal Winstrol


Winsol is the legal Winstrol, anabolic steroid alternative used by bodybuilders and athletes worldwide. It can be used during cutting cycles for maintaining lean muscle mass while sculpting your beach physique! Suitable for both men or women alike.

Winsol was designed for anyone wanting to increase muscle gains without risking health.

Winsol is legal to order directly from the official website - it can be stacked with Anavar and Clenbuterol to form a cutting stack

When cutting steroids are stacked together, they can create an incredibly powerful fat burning environment.


Winstrol Before and After Results

Steroid Name: Stanozolol - Winstrol

Forms: Non-esterified Liquid (Winstrol Dept), Oral (Winstrol)

Winstrol Mostly Used For: Cutting Cycles and fat loss in bodybuilding

Stanozolol is an anabolic steroid with quite specific properties; useful to many bodybuilders and performance athletes alike.

It is almost always referred to as Winstrol (or ‘Winny) - the original name under which Winthrop Laboratories (now Sterling) traded it from the early 1960s.

Winstrol shot to fame as a Performance Enhancing Drug (PED) after Canadian Ben Johnson won the 100m gold at the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul and was later disqualified after testing positive.

Largely due to its non-existent aromatization to estrogen, and low bulking profile, it is a very popular cutting steroid.

However, its high hepatotoxicity (liver toxicity) in both oral and injectable form make it a relatively short term cycle. Users tend to limit it to a couple cycles a year, and competition bodybuilders only in the lead up to a comp.

Winstrol is one of the true performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) in that it increases strength, speed and power.

As a bodybuilding steroid, it is used during a cutting cycle for most people. It hardens and helps define muscle rather than add mass.

Winny is also great for recovery - it can help muscles heal quicker allowing you to train harder.

Extended use - either of the liquid or tablets - is not recommended because both are hepatotoxic (see below).

Most other steroids are bound with esters when available in liquid form. Winstrol is not.

When liquid, it is in the form of aqueous suspension, meaning that even an intramuscular injection will defeat the liver and have toxic side effects due to its alkylated structure.

The oral tablet form has the same effect.

Winstrol cycles are therefore usually limited to less than 8 weeks, and perhaps only two of those per year.

Known for its ‘dry’ effect because of the lack of water retention, the stigma has falsely attached itself to the feeling of ‘dry’ joints as well. This is down to another peculiar side effect, where connective tissue - ligaments and tendons - are apparently more ‘brittle’ during a Winny cycle.

This is as yet undetermined, save for empirical reports potentially exaggerated via the phenomenon of rumors.

Moreover, it jars with one of the original therapeutic applications of the drug: a treatment for osteoporosis!

Without exogenous testosterone use, someone using Winstrol will likely experience the negative effects of low testosterone, due to its suppressive nature.

Natural testosterone recovery will take many months after all steroid cycles have ceased. This can be helped with a course of post cycle therapy (PCT).

Total recovery depends on whether the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular-Axis (HPTA) has been damaged, which can be the case if irresponsible steroid dosages, combinations or other practices are adopted.

Whether liquid or oral Winstrol is used, there will be a negative impact on lipid profiles. This takes the form of lowered HDL and raised LDL.

People predisposed to issues with cholesterol should clearly avoid this steroid. In fact, without a very good diet and cardiovascular training, this side effect may be the potential downfall of many users.

These are less pronounced - hair loss, acne, body hair growth - unless the user is particularly prone to it.

Most steroids exert androgenic side effects via the alpha-5-reductase conversion of testosterone to DHT.

Given that Stanozolol is a DHT derivative, this activity does not occur. Nonetheless there is some androgenic activity which comes from its moderate affinity with the androgen receptor.

The steroid has virilization (masculinizing) effects on women. These include facial hair growth, body hair growth, lowered voice and even clitoris enlargement.

The effects would be less pronounced than, say, Sustanon 250 as Winstrol doesn’t bind to the AR as much. Still, female users tend to keep the dose very low and stop altogether as soon as any effects are noticed.

Dosages range from therapeutic to performance enhancing. Therapeutic doses are much lower and can involve an intramuscular injection as little as every 3 weeks. The equivalent oral program would be 2mg micro doses 2 or 3 times a day.

The dose for a male bodybuilder or performance athlete will be somewhere around 25mg a day of oral Winstrol and twice that every other day of injected aqueous solution (Winstrol Depot).

Competition bodybuilders might take a much higher dose leading up to the meet. This is of course a risk vs reward scenario.

Female users err on the side of caution and use small oral doses in order to be in control if side effects hit. As little as 4 mg a day split into 2 has been reported to be effective.

When it comes to cycling steroids, there are a lot of different options and protocols that can be followed.

But when it comes to the anabolic steroid Winstrol, there is really only one way to cycle it effectively. That is to stack it with another injectable anabolic steroid. The most popular injectable to stack Winstrol with is Testosterone Cypionate or Enanthate.

The reason for this is because when these two steroids are combined, they create a synergistic effect that produces remarkable results. Not only does this give the user more lean muscle mass, but it also helps to increase strength and power. And when it comes to cutting cycles, there is really no better combo out there than Winstrol and Testosterone.

So if you're looking to add some real mass and strength, then be sure to cycle these two steroids together.

But if you're just looking to get shredded for summer, then Winstrol alone will do the trick. Just be sure to follow the recommended dosage and cycle length so that you don't experience any unwanted side effects.

While Winstrol is considered a fairly versatile anabolic steroid, there are still other steroids that can be stacked with it in order to achieve different results. For instance, if you are looking to add mass, then stacking Winstrol with a bulking steroid like Dianabol or Anadrol can help you to achieve your muscle growth goals.

On the other hand, if you are trying to cut fat and get leaner, then adding a cutting steroid like Anavar or Trenbolone can help you to reach your desired physique.

Ultimately, the best steroid to stack with Winstrol will depend on your specific goals and objectives. However, by understanding the different effects of each steroid, you can easily find the perfect complement for your Winny cycle.

When used properly, winny can help to increase muscle mass, strength, and endurance. It can also help to improve recovery times after workouts and reduce the risk of injury.

Assuming you are a male weighing 190 lbs with about 25% body fat. If you use Winstrol for 8 weeks at 50 mg ed and diet properly, you can expect to lose around 20 lbs of fat.

This equates to about 10-11% body fat loss. Obviously, the more fat you have to lose, the more you'll lose; conversely, the less fat you have to lose, the less you'll lose.

But generally speaking, most people will fall somewhere in that 20lbs range. As for how quickly the fat will come off, it really depends on the individual.

Some people seem to drop fat very quickly when they diet and use certain drugs like Winstrol; others not so much. It just depends on your own body's metabolism and response toTraining. Generally speaking, though, most people will start seeing noticeable fat loss within the first 2-3 weeks of using  Winstrol and dieting properly.

Body Image and steroid withdrawal in men - Feb 2022

Winstrol is a controlled substance in many countries and as such, purchasing it may not be legal.

Online purchasing comes with the same problems irrespective of the ‘offshore’ location of the laboratory.

Azolol (pictured at top of page) is the most famous current brand, still available from the British dispensary. Original Winstrol can still be found in Europe, as can Rexobol tablets and Rexogin liquid. All would be black market purchases.

The black market is full of individuals and outfits selling non genuine steroids, compared to a few with genuine Winstrol. Also, it may seem more convenient to purchase online, but the same situation applies, possibly to a greater degree.

<<View Winsol Price and Availability>>

Winsol is a safe and legal alternative to Winstrol, the steroid used by bodybuilders for an incredible performance.

Legal in most countries all over the world with no side effects or risks involved!

You can use it during cutting cycles as well which will allow you retain lean muscle while sculpting your perfect beach physique Suitable not only men but also women who want that toned look too.

When it comes to choosing between Winsol and Winstrol, there are a few things to consider.

For one, Winsol is legal and does not require a prescription, whereas Winstrol is illegal and requires a prescription.

Additionally, Winsol is made from natural ingredients and is considered safe for most people, while Winstrol can have potentially dangerous side effects.

Finally, Winsol is available without a prescription, while Winstrol requires a prescription from a doctor. Overall, Winsol is the better choice for those looking for a safe and legal way to improve their physical performance.

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