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Looking for the best ecdysterone supplement to help you with muscle growth? You've come to the right place! We will discuss what ecdysteroids are, and how they can help you achieve your muscle building and bulking goals. We'll also take a look at the top ecdysterone supplement to buy on the market today. So, whether you're looking to bulk up or just get in better shape, read on for some helpful advice.
Steroid Name(s): ecdysterone / beta-ecdysterone / beta-ecdysone / ecdysone, 20-hydroxyecdysone / 20-hydroxyecdysterone / turkesterone
Forms: Powdered extract, usually contained within supplement capsules
Mostly Used For: Muscle growth lean muscle mass, due to ramp in protein synthesis. Appropriate for bulking cycles, strength cycles and for muscle mass retention during cutting cycles.
Safety Profile: Entirely safe in recommended dosages. Can be used on cycle basis, long-term
Legal Status: Legal to buy and use in most countries, inc: Australia, Canada, USA, UK and Ireland, most of Europe.
Leading Product: D Bal Max - Click here for D Bal Max price
"It is, in their own words, “Pure Bodybuilding Dynamite” . This stuff contains arguably the most potent ecdysteroid available:- 20-hydroxyecdysterone."
Ecdysteroids are a group of steroids found in the natural world. Both insects and some plants are sources for ecdysteroids. In fact, the prefix ‘ecdy’ originates from the word ecdysis, which is the process of molting that insects use, i.e. the shedding of exoskeleton to allow growth.
Now, don’t get too grossed out because the ecdysteroid extracts you find in products from products like D Bal Max are sourced from plants, and are completely safe to use.
Here’s the really interesting part - human beings have a receptor for ecdysteroids. This means they can bind to our cells and get to work doing what they do.
Ecdysteroids have cropped up in the bodybuilding industry in times past. This is because early research on these steroid molecules showed that they appeared to have similar structures to androgenic hormones.
This was exciting because - as you probably know - androgenic hormones e.g. testosterone are great for building muscle. The only problem with androgenic hormones is that they can cause some negative side effects when it comes to the bodybuilder.
However, ecdysteroids did not end up exhibiting the predicted androgenic effects and so were sidelined by many scientists, companies and R&D departments in favor of more lucrative opportunities.
Here are some of the latest clinical data and research on Ecdysteroids and Ecdysterone Supplements
Ecdysteroids: isolation, chemical transformations, and biological activity - January 2022
Development of a method for simultaneous screening of four natural-derived steroids and their analogues used as dietary supplements via liquid chromatography-quadrupole-time of flight mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry - march 2022
Then came the ecdysteroid revival, and the current surge in research, development, manufacture and sales.
The reason is simple: ecdysteroids might not exhibit androgenic effects, but they have been found to trigger steroid-like protein synthesis nonetheless.
This fact was missed on the first few research sweeps because everyone was looking for androgenic behavior first and foremost, such as a spike in testosterone levels. The market for testosterone boosters is understandably huge, given the demand from the male population when they reach a certain age and/or they want to build more muscle and increase low testosterone levels.
Protein Synthesis is the Whole Point
Protein synthesis is the construction of the base material for muscle tissue and lean muscle mass growth. If anything, it’s the process we want to tap into most of all. If you look at the benefits of androgenic anabolic steroids, an increase in protein synthesis rates is often the main one.
Bodybuilders want to build muscle, and lots of it.
Protein synthesis is the process of building muscle. There it is, as blatantly as we can put it.
So, what’s the big deal about the lack of androgenic effects and why is it so important?
Put it this way, if a bodybuilder could get the lean muscle gains benefits of a synthetic androgenic anabolic steroid (examples include: Dianabol , Anadrol, Winstrol, Anavar, Sustanon, Deca-Durabolin, Trenbolone) without the negative side effects they would be do. That much is obvious. All the positives without any of the negatives? - yes please!
Well, on a slightly lesser scale than the brutally huge muscle growth of a synthetic steroid, that is exactly what ecdysteroids are capable of.
A slight digression here - another class of muscle growth agents that are gaining popularity in the bodybuilding world are SARMS.
The term SARM stands for selective androgen receptor modulators. Originally created to treat muscle wasting diseases SARMs have been adapted to be used on cutting cycles and bulking cycles . There is some good information on Where to purchase SARMS here.
Androgenic effects of synthetic steroids are responsible for the majority of the benefits they impart, including protein synthesis. That much is known.
However, and this is a big however, the androgenic effects are also responsible for most of the moderate to severe negative side effects of synthetic anabolic steroid use.
That’s mainly because they are a large dose of manufactured hormones being dumped into the body suddenly. The effects on the human endocrine system are dramatic.
Simply put - this is the trade-off. Lose a couple of the beneficial effects that synthetic steroids have in order to be free of side effects, but KEEP the main benefit of increased protein synthesis.
That’s what an ecdysteroid does, in a nutshell.
Yes, you can stack ecdysteroids. They’re known to boost muscle mass and strength, as well as improve recovery time from workouts. When taken in supplement form, they’re often stacked with other ingredients such as protein powder or branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs).
There are a few things to keep in mind when stacking ecdysteroids. First, make sure you start with a low dose and increase gradually as needed.
Cycling on and off of ecdysteroids is generally recommended to avoid potential side effects. And finally, be sure to follow the directions on the product labels carefully.
With that said, stacking ecdysteroids can be a great way to enhance your results from weightlifting and other forms of exercise.
Yes. Ecdysteroids are completely legal to buy and use.
Again, it’s down to the safety and lack of negative side effects. Synthetic steroids would still be prescribed by doctors today if they didn’t have such a dark side to them.
Some synthetic steroids are bad enough that they can’t even be used on animals anymore because the steroid can pass from the meat to humans. Athletes have even failed drug tests because they went out for a steak the night before a race!
This Sounds Too Good To Be True - Where’s the Catch?
You still have to buy ecdysteroids, they’re not delivered to your door by the bodybuilding fairy for free. They still aren’t super cheap. And you have to make sure you are getting the real deal, and not being gifted by some shady gray-market or blackmarket vendor whose interests lie solely in the size of their bank balance.
Lucky for you, we’ve done the hard work and dealt with all the companies manufacturing such legal steroids (there aren’t that many, to be honest) and we can remove all the risk for you in one fell swoop.
What's even better, we have gone through the entire process of purchasing, receiving and using these products so we can honestly point you in the direction of the highest quality and the best prices.
The best Ecdysterone supplement we have found to date is D Bal Max.
Click to view D-Bal Max price
It is, in their own words, “Pure Bodybuilding Dynamite” . This stuff contains arguably the most potent ecdysteroid available:- 20-hydroxyecdysterone.
Not a lot of companies have put this into their legal steroids yet because it isn’t the cheapest to extract, but despite this, D Bal Max is available at some very affordable prices.
D Bal Max even comes with a 60 day No Fuss Guarantee , can be delivered worldwide for FREE, and is currently available at special rates if you buy more than one tube (it comes in tubes).
Let’s recap. D Bal Max is available:
at Special Discounts (for more than one tube)
Like we said, D Bal Max is the best Ecdysterone supplement “Ecdy” available.
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