Best Fat Burners for Men, Male Fat Burner Supplements Reviews and Comparisons | Ask The Experts |

2022-07-22 19:48:16 By : Mr. Walter Ye

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If you are looking for the best fat burners for men we have reviewed, compared and rated the top 6 male fat burning supplements to buy over the counter or online.

There are several reasons why a man would need a fat burner - to burn stubborn belly fat, to use as a cutting supplement to reveal lean muscle mass or to simply lose weight.

We have covered all bases. We will describe how each fat burner works, what is in it, any potential side effects and where to buy.

PhenQ - Best Fat Burner for Men Overall

Testol 140 - Best Cutting Supplement

Testo Prime - Best Fat Burner / Testosterone Booster

Instant Knockout - Best Thermogenic Fat Burner

Prime Shred - Best Belly Fat Burner

Hunter Burn - Best Natural Fat Burner

So, you are currently trying to find the best fat burner for men. We think that's a pretty safe assumption. If this were not your goal, you wouldn't be taking the time to read an article such as this one.

If you have prior experience using fat-burning supplements or have friends who do, there is a good chance you will know finding a fat burner that works can be a challenging task. More often than not, the reality does not live up to the hype.

There are thousands of fat burners on the market and many of them are aimed solely at men. The sad truth is that, regardless of the marketing focus, most of them do not work.

However, many of them are still sold with the promise they are the " no1 fat burner" or "best fat burning pill." Just because someone says something does not mean it is true. The weight loss industry rakes in billions of dollars per year. There is a lot of deception and lies.

Many fat burners could cause side effects. More often and not the negative issues people experience are due to high doses of stimulants.

The truth is, stimulants can support fat loss and fat absorption but, with side effects such as anxiety and racing heartbeat, there are safer options to use. Green tea and capsicum are a couple of good examples. They can deliver very impressive increases in metabolism and fat loss without presenting any of the risks associated with high doses of stimulants.

The other problem with stimulants is your body adjusts to their presence. This causes the level of benefit they provide to decline. This article introduces the six best fat burners for men. Although some of them contain caffeine, the doses are not ridiculously high.

We'll begin this section by providing a quick snapshot of the best fat burners, then we'll explain why each of them are the best fat burner supplements for men.

After evaluating the formulations and abilities of dozens of the fat burners that are most popular with men, here are the six that came out on top:

As you work your way through these reviews of fat burning pills and weight loss supplements you will notice some of the products are designed for men while others are not. We did not grade the products on whether or not they are made for men. We graded them on their ability to provide men with excellent fat-burning results.

Click to view PhenQ price

PhenQ is a unisex weight loss pill that combines several of the best natural metabolism boosters with ingredients that support fat loss in other ways.

Often said to be the equivalent of five traditional weight loss products, PhenQ allows you to only take one product and still enjoy fat-burning benefits that are similar to those you would get from a supplement stack.

PhenQ may not be made for men but it is used by and approved by men all over the world. Customer reviews are first-rate, right across the board. Many men praise PhenQ for its ability to accelerate fat loss. The supplement also gets a lot of attention for its ability to do this without loss of muscle mass. Independent and real PhenQ reviews are very positive.

Low-calorie dieting often causes some degree of muscle loss, so PhenQ's ability to prevent this is a big deal.

Your body's overall muscle mass affects your metabolic rate so, even small muscle gains are preferable to muscle losses which, by slowing metabolism, can make it more difficult to lose weight.

PhenQ is a very impressive supplement. We like it a lot. In addition to offering a broad range of fat loss benefits, it also has a 60-day money-back guarantee. So, if you don't get the results you want you can have your money back.

Judging by all the good things men are saying about this product, that's a request you will not need to make.

Each PhenQ tablet provides seven key ingredients:

Many people will tell you a-Lacys Reset is the most important ingredient in PhenQ. We disagree. All the ingredients are important and Capsimax is very good. It's a patented blend of capsicum extract that helps you to burn fat faster and keeps hunger under control.

Nopal (Caralluma fimbriata) is a good addition too. It's a cactus extract that is scientifically proven capable of suppressing appetite and increasing weight loss. [1]

As you can see, there is also a little caffeine present but no more than you would get from drinking a cup of coffee. That's not enough to present an unacceptable risk of side effects. However, it is enough to provide a nice energy boost and help prevent diet-related fatigue.

Although we don't feel it deserves extra prominence, a-Lacys Reset is a very good ingredient. Don't worry if it sounds like a chemical, it's not.

a-Lacys Reset is a powerful blend of alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) and cysteine. The first is an antioxidant. The second is an amino acid. Both are natural compounds that are present in certain foods.

Research shows that even acting alone ALA can deliver significant improvements in weight loss. [2]

However, the special pairing of ALA and cysteine in a-Lacys reset boasts greater fat-burning potency. a-Lacys reset is also the PhenQ ingredient that makes it possible to burn fat without muscle loss.

The participants in one early clinical trial burned 7.4% more fat than the members of the placebo group and increased their muscle mass by 3.8%.

Provides several powerful natural fat burners

Controls hunger and food cravings

Provides a small amount of caffeine

Have to purchase via the manufacturer's website

Click to view Testol 140 price

Testol 140 is a potent natural fat-burning supplement that's designed to offer bodybuilders a safe alternative to Testolone (RAD 140) .

Testolone is an experimental drug that works in a similar way to steroids. It belongs to a drug classification known as SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators).

Testolone is regarded as being safer than steroids but using it still presents many risks. One of them is organ harm.

Some bodybuilders use Testolone for cutting (burning fat). It has a reputation for being very good at this and appears to also be useful for increasing muscle mass.

However, Testol 140 does both these things too but it's safe and natural and has no known side effects.

Although it's easy to doubt the value of any natural supplement that aims to replace steroids or SARMs, customer reviews show this one does everything it says on the can. It's got a reputation for delivering notable accelerations in fat loss. And, like PhenQ, Testolone has a 60-day money-back guarantee.

Each (4-capsule) serving provides a combination of minerals, vitamins, and plant extracts. Two of the plant extracts are high-potency concentrates.

In the case of Fenugreek, which is a 4:1 extract. The 400 mg the supplement provides is the equivalent of four times the amount of normal-strength fenugreek extract (4 x 400 = 1600 mg).

Pomegranate whole fruit powder (300 mg)

Magnesium, zinc, and Vitamin D are three of the best nutrients for boosting testosterone. It's not surprising to see these three are present.

The Testolone SARM works by taking over the role of testosterone. Although this can provide improvements in fat loss and muscle gain, it also suppresses normal testosterone production.

Testol 140, goes about things differently. Instead of forcing your own testosterone out of the way, the supplement encourages your body to make more of it.

Research shows testosterone therapy can increase fat metabolism, while also improving muscle mass and overall body composition. [3]

Natural testosterone boosters like zinc and Vitamin D do the same thing.

However, Testol 140 provides several other valuable ingredients as well. If it didn't it would be unable to compete with good multi-vitamin and mineral tablets.

Using Fenugreek as an example, its reputation for increasing total serum testosterone levels is not based on hearsay. Research proves it's a natural testosterone booster that works. [4]

Although Testol 140 is a powerful male fat burner and muscle growth enhancer, we still believe PhenQ is the best option for most men. PhenQ controls hunger, enhances mood, and provides support in other areas that Testol 140 does not.

Increases metabolism and fat burning

Good for providing extra energy

Speeds up recovery after training

Has a 60-day money-back guarantee

Not a stimulant free fat burner

Only available from the manufacturer's website

Click to view Testo Prime price

Testo Prime is another powerful testosterone-boosting supplement for men. As with Testol 140, its ability to fire up your body's fat-burning capabilities is largely due to tweaking male hormone levels. Testo Prime contains some green tea extract as well.

When it comes to ditching your excess body fat and looking good, it's not the route you take that counts. It's your chosen supplement's ability to get you to your end destination quickly and efficiently. Customer reviews show Testo Prime has this ability.

Although Testol 140 is mostly aimed at male bodybuilders who want to get "cut," this is not the case with Testo Prime. Lots of bodybuilders use it though. It's popular with other athletes as well but tends to have a more far-reaching appeal.

Many men appear to be using Testo Prime as a form of natural alternative to testosterone replacement therapy. Admittedly, for some of them, improving their overall body composition is a primary concern. However, a lot of men who use Testo Prime do so to rectify problems related to low testosterone, such as brain fog, fatigue, low libido, and erectile dysfunction (ED).

Each dose of TestoPrime provides 12 key ingredients. Many of them are high-potency concentrates. These are becoming increasingly popular in the supplement industry because using them allows manufacturers to keep pills sizes down:

Green Tea leaf extract 20:1 (200 mg)

As you can see, Fenugreek is present again. Many of the best testosterone boosters have it because it's so good at delivering the goods.

D-aspartic acid is a common ingredient in testosterone-boosting supplements as well. It's also an ingredient that has added value because it helps your body produce more human growth hormone (HGH).

However, this article is about the best fat burner for men, not the best testosterone booster. With that in mind, it would be ridiculous not to point out the virtues of green tea leaf extract.

Green tea is one of the best fat-burning ingredients known to man. Years of research prove that it works. In addition to being good for your waistline, it's also good for your heart. [5]

Enhances fat burning and protein synthesis

Increases libido and sexual potency

Only available via the manufacturer's website

Not a stimulant free fat burner

Click to view Instant Knockout price

Instant Knockout is a fat burner supplement developed for professional fighters. Although many fighters still use it and some high-profile coaches recommend it, these days, Instant Knockout is the go-to fat burner for many men who have unwanted deposits of fat to burn.

Given its roots, you may not be surprised to learn Instant Knockout also delivers a tremendous energy boost. This gives it additional value as a pre-workout supplement. Many bodybuilders use it. So do a lot of other athletes.

Instant Knockout gets so much praise there is no way that we could not include it on this list of best fat burners for men.

Initially, the caffeine content of the supplement may seem pretty high. It's 300 mg per day. However, it's split over four doses so the dose is only 75 mg per pill.

Once you know that you may question the supplement's ability to boost energy. There is no need to do that. The formulation contains several non-stimulant energy boosters as well.

Four Instant Knockout Out contains 10 active ingredients. The full dose of four capsules per day provides them in the following amounts:

As you can see, green tea leaf extract is present, it is great for losing weight. We have already explained its fat-burning credentials [5], so there is no need to go over it again.

At this point, we'd like to provide a little more information about caffeine. Although it's one of the most commonly used stimulants in the world, it often gets a bad rep.

However, the tales you hear about side effects such as jitters and heart palpitations normally signify overly high doses of caffeine. Unless you have an unusually poor tolerance, doses of 150 mg or less should not cause these reactions.

With only 75 mg of caffeine per pill. Instant Knockout provides caffeine in an acceptable amount and its metabolism-boosting ability helps contribute to the overall fat-burning effect.

Because so many men are using Instant Knockout pre-workout, we'd like to point out the presence of vitamins B6 and B12. Both are popular energy drink ingredients that can help you to train harder by supporting your body's ability to extract energy from food.

As we have already mentioned, zinc boosts testosterone, and cayenne (capsicum) is a powerful fat burner and appetite suppressant. Research shows these fat burning abilities are due to a compound called capsaicin. [6]

Glucomannan isn't a fat burner but it still plays an important role in the formulation. It's a water-soluble fiber that swells in the stomach making it feel full. It's one of the best appetite suppressants and dietary supplements in the world and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) agrees that it works. [7]

Contains a powerful appetite suppressant

Helps you to train harder

Only available from the official website

Click to view Prime Shred price

Like Instant Knockout, Prime Shred is a powerful fat burner pill and energy booster. One of the big differences between the two products is that Prime Shred was originally developed for bodybuilders and sportspeople, not practitioners of fighting sports.

A lot of male bodybuilders favor using this supplement for cutting (it's a great belly fat burner) but any man who wishes to do so should be able to take advantage of its fat-burning capabilities.

Unfortunately, Prime Shred won't be one of the best fat burners for men who wish to avoid stimulants because it has a little caffeine. However, it only provides 250 mg per day and that's split over three doses.

Three Prime Shred capsules provide:

Green Coffee Bean Extract 4:1 (100 mg)

As you can see, Prime Shred contains several natural fat burners we have already mentioned including cayenne and green tea. There are also some B vitamins to work alongside caffeine and provide extra energy.

Niacin is a B vitamin too (Vitamin B3). Like Vitamins B6 and B12, niacin contributes to energy metabolism. It also relaxes the blood vessels (vasodilation) to improve circulation. By doing this, niacin helps you to train longer by improving the blood supply to the muscles.

Rhodiola is an interesting inclusion. It's unlikely to offer any value as a fat burner or aid fat metabolism but research suggests it has the potential to prevent burnout.

Provides several proven fat burners

Boosts energy and training capacity

Contains natural ingredients for lose weight

Contains an ingredient that helps prevent burnout

Only available via the manufacturer's website

Click to view Hunter Burn price

We love this thermogenic fat burning supplement but not the name. Hunter Burn? It sounds like something you might get from a hunting rifle. Nevertheless, if you are looking for a good fat burner, it's still worth giving this one a shot. Try not to let the marketing hype put you off.

The manufacturer would have you believe Hunter Burn is the best fat burner for men who want business success. That's a ridiculous idea. Although certain nootropic supplements can improve productivity and cognitive ability, Hunger Burn does not fit into that category.

The formulation does not provide any brain-boosting ingredients at all. Buy it for that reason and you can expect to be let down. The claim is based on a single study that suggests thinner men are more successful.

That's bull. Take time to think about any rich fat cats you may know. Then take a moment to consider all your acquaintances who are skinny and broke.

Sadly, the marketing angle does not do Hunter Burn justice. The product provides several proven fat burners and plenty of men who have experience using Hunter Burn confirm how well it works.

Hunter Burn contains six ingredients. Three doses per day provides them in the following quantities:

By now, you should be familiar with most of the key fat burning ingredients but white kidney bean and L-theanine are two ingredients you may not have seen before.

White kidney bean is a popular carb blocker. People use it in the belief that it will limit their ability to digest carbohydrates. If white kidney bean extracts can do this, Hunter Burn may reduce the amount of calories your body obtains from carbohydrates.

Unfortunately, research into the value of white kidney beans for carb blocking and weight loss is far from conclusive.

Some studies suggest it offers value, others do not.

L-Theanine is a more worthy inclusion. It's an amino acid that helps you to relax without becoming drowsy or less alert.

Out of the six best fat burners for men, Hunter Burn ranks the lowest. That's why it's at the bottom of the list.

White kidney bean is a particularly bad fit for the formulation but the presence of matcha, cayenne, and konjac, more than make up for any dead weight.

Contains two proven fat burners

Provides a powerful appetite suppressant

May boost testosterone (thanks to Vitamin D)

Unlikely to boost energy or reduce diet-related fatigue

Contains an ingredient of questionable value (white kidney bean)

Only available via the manufacturer's website

Does not have a money-back guarantee

This page lists the top 6 male fat burners. Based on ability, customer reviews, and ability to provide good value for money, these are the only ones we can recommend. We reviewed dozens more fat burner supplements that were unable to make the grade.

Although the ones at the top of the list are superior to the ones at the bottom, all six supplements work well. However, before you invest in any brand of fat-burning supplement, you need to understand what they can and cannot do.

Even the best fat burner for men (in our opinion, PhenQ) is only a weight loss booster. No weight loss supplement on Earth is capable of making you magically slim on its own.

The first step to burning fat is to control your eating habits, a healthy diet is essential. You need to avoid foods that are high in sugars and fats. You also need to avoid the temptation to eat large portions of food or snack between meals.

Doing these things will help you create the energy shortage your body requires to force it to begin burning its stored fat.

Eating less food is difficult. Nobody relishes feeling hungry. Fortunately, PhenQ and some of the other best fat burner supplements contain ingredients that can help you to do it.

By increasing calorie expenditure, exercise can help you to lose weight even faster. So can all of the best fat burners for men but instead of choosing to do one or the other, it's better to combine both.

The best fat burners raise your metabolic rate. This causes you to burn more calories than you could with diet and exercise alone. Use them correctly and you can obtain staggeringly good results.

There are many places to purchase weight loss supplements, diet pills and fat burners. Perhaps the most popular is retail outlets and pharmacies such as Walmart, Walgreens, CVS and Costco.

There are also online superstores such as Amazon and eBay that sell weight loss pills and dietary supplements.

We recommend buying fat burners for men online - and directly from the manufacturer.

The reason to order directly is because you will often pay less and most likely get a discount or a promo price. You will also have a better customer service experience buying direct than going through a third party. 

Perhaps the biggest reason to buy a fat burner online for the manufacturer is that they know their product - they will be able to give you advice and guidance on what to use to get best results.

Best Fat Burning Supplements for Men FAQ

None of the best fat burners for men have a reputation for causing side effects. However, some of them contain low to moderate doses of caffeine, which may cause side effects in people who are unusually sensitive to stimulants.

In all probability, if you have tolerance issues, you will already know. If you can normally drink a few cups of coffee a day without experiencing any problems, you should be okay. However, it's generally not a good idea to consume caffeine from multiple sources. Doing so increases the possibility of side effects.

Yes. Some fat burners work better than others. You'd be surprised how many manufacturers are selling supplements that don't work. We hope the information in this article will help you to avoid learning this the hard way.

Depending on your circumstances and personal goals, some options may be more appropriate than others. For instance, male bodybuilders may prefer to use Testol 140 or Testo Prime due to their ability to boost testosterone. So many men who have stubborn belly fat to burn and are struggling with ED or similar low-testosterone issues.

Men who are actively involved in sports or similar high-energy pursuits may prefer to use Instant Knockout because it's such a good energy provider.

On the other hand, Hunter Burn may be more attractive to men who are following the Keto Diet or trying to compensate for an unhealthy love of carbs.

However, most men should find that PhenQ is the fat burner that works best. Of the six supplements that made our list, it's the option that offers the greatest level of overall fat loss support.

Thermogenic fat burners are supplements that provide ingredients that increase thermogenesis. This is the process responsible for generating heat within the body. Thermogenic fat burners turn things up a notch, causing you to lose extra energy from your body in the form of heat.

When you are following a sensible weight loss plan that includes an energy-restricted diet, all the extra wasted energy will come from your body fat (stored fat).

Although the marketing material does not always make this sufficiently clear, most of the best fat burners help you to burn extra calories and fat in this way.

Depending on which option you choose, it may take a few weeks before you notice any progress.

For instance, in the case of PhenQ or any of the other weight loss supplements that suppress appetite, you will probably notice the reduction in hunger straight away.

With Testol 140, you won't notice this benefit but may notice rapid improvements in energy, training capacity, and libido.

However, the level of fat loss you experience will not depend on your fat burner alone. The strictness of your diet and level of physical activity will also influence this.

However, if you weigh yourself every two to three weeks, you should see the numbers on your scale reducing much faster than they were before.

In the case of PhenQ for instance, customer reviews show weight losses of 10 pounds or more per month are not uncommon.

1. Effect of Caralluma fimbriata extract on appetite, food intake and anthropometry in adult Indian men and women –

2. Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA) as a supplementation for weight loss: Results from a Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials –

3. Testosterone and Weight Loss: The Evidence:

4. Effect of Fenugreek Extract Supplement on Testosterone Levels in Male: A Meta-Analysis of Clinical Trials:

5. A Green Tea Extract High in Catechins Reduces Body Fat and Cardiovascular Risks in Humans:

6. Dietary Capsaicin and Its Anti-obesity Potency: From Mechanism to Clinical Implications:

7. Scientific Opinion on the Substantiation of Health Claims Related to Konjac Mannan (Glucomannan) And Reduction of Body Weight:

8. Multicenter, Open-Label, Exploratory Clinical Trial With Rhodiola Rosea Extract in Patients Suffering From Burnout Symptoms:

Whether you want to simply lose weight and burn belly fat or sculpt a lean muscular physique by cutting - a fat burner supplement is very effective.

Our top men's fat burning supplement list has something for everyone.

If you are unsure which male fat burner supplement to buy we would suggest you look closely at PhenQ

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