Best SARMs for Cutting & Bulking (2022) | Complete Guide - The Hindu

2022-09-02 19:44:46 By : Mr. Bo WU

No doubt, SARMs are the new “trend” in bodybuilding, succeeding the anabolic steroids and promising a smaller number of milder side effects and extreme results.

Previous generations certainly know better the negative effects of anabolic steroids and pro-hormones on the body.

After all, in the name of improving their athletic performance, many users lost their lives or faced very serious damage to their health.

SARMs come to the picture suggesting something new and safer. Something as effective as steroids, with no, however, similar consequences.

Bodybuilding is an extremely “hard and demanding” sport. The need for continuous improvement of the athlete’s performance, as well as the big issue of exceeding the so-called “training sets” lead athletes (professionals and training persons) to receive supplements (chemical or even physical/illegal or legal).

SARMs are certainly a very popular choice for bodybuilders everywhere, despite the fact that their use remains illegal to this day for sporting purposes, still being under investigation for their potentially severe effects on the user’s body (especially after long-term and enhanced use as required in sports).

Therefore, at this point - and prior to entering the “sanctuaries” of SARMs – I have to warn those considering using SARMs for athletic support.

The use of such powerful chemicals (non-approved, with no clear guide to their safe use) can cause serious health problems, even lead to death (especially if not used properly, whatever that means).

This article aims to be a concise guide to the products called “SARMs” which have become the new “hot” trend in bodybuilding, not aiming at selling products and making a profit.

We wish to create a “directory” with the most useful information about Best SARMs, answering completely objectively the questions and clear the dark points we think every new user may have and to provide clear directions (depending on the goal set), for overcoming any dubious and false considerations on what stated about SARMs.

Here is our topic in full detail

A purchase Guide on Top SARMs for Cutting and Bulking (What/When/Why/How)

SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) are the descendants of classic anabolic steroids, a new generation of drugs that - due to their “selective” action in the organism - do not cause the complete damage caused by the pre-existing steroids.

Immediately - from their name - it is understood that SARMs work, bind and regulate the androgen receptor, in fact with a “selective” action so as not to affect other vital organs of the body.

Although first created in 1940, SARMs remain in the “research phase” to clarify their potency, but especially their effects on the human organism (especially after long-term or intensive use).

Their chemical structure related to their androgen receptor ensures high efficiency in small doses, further increases their popularity among the sports public.

In fact, in combination with their tissue-selective action significantly reducing the criticality and the size of their side effects compared to steroids, today (2022) has made them a top choice in sports fields.

Best SARMs may be found in different forms.

It is the original form of SARMs, prior to being transformed into any other form.

This is the most common form of SARMs, easily stored and relatively simple in calculating dosages.

SARM in capsule or pill form

It is the most user-friendly form of SARMs, not requiring dosage calculation and weighing, an ideal choice especially for beginners.

No. SARMs are Banned and can not be sold in pharmacies or online.

Only Legal Natural ALternatives are safe and legal to use.

The same is true of other chemicals associated with SARMs (although not exactly called “SARMs”).

Their purchase and use is limited to research purposes only.

Normally the use of SARMs should be limited within a research laboratory (i.e. in a safe environment and under appropriate expert supervision).

This applies to most countries in the world, with the exception of Australia.

SARMs are legally distributed/sold as prescription medication.

The use of SARMs in sports is illegal worldwide, while the use of these chemicals is detected by the relevant services (such as WADA) and prosecuted under applicable law.

Nevertheless, the administration of SARMs may be oral or even transdermal. These non-steroidal substances entering the organism (either orally or via the skin) activate the androgenic action in the muscles and bones of the user.

However, the difference with testosterone is that they are not metabolized to DHT, thus reducing their suppressive side effects in the organism.

Click Here to Buy Best Legal Sarm Alternatives Online

MK-2866 (Ostarine) is one of the most popular choices of the sports people for massive muscle gains, offering high androgenic and anabolic activity, and for this reason, a treatment cycle (PCT) is recommended after an MK-2866 cycle.

LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) is an even more powerful bulking SARM, greatly enhancing the muscle gains from each workout.

It is one of the most widely researched SARMs to date, with several clinical trials in humans.

Next, the SARM, RAD-140 (Testolone), one of the most powerful found.

It is the ultimate choice of many athletes for muscle mass, while it seems to have spectacular benefits in terms of stimulating male libido.

Although MK-677 (Ibutamoren) is not actually a SARM, it is referred to by most as such.

It is actually a selective Agonist of the Growth Hormone Receptor, enhancing metabolic function, maximizing fat loss (even in the most stubborn areas), stimulating energy levels and improving athletic performance.

In addition, it increases the levels of appetite, favoring the development of muscle mass in bodybuilders.

GW-501516 (Cardarine).is another drug ending up in the “family” of SARMs without really being one of them.

It is a PPAR agonist, widely used by bodybuilders, while clinical trials to date have only been performed on rodents (and not humans).

Its use concerns the development of lean muscle mass, but also the reduction of body fat while protecting against muscle loss.

Next product, S4 (Andarine), is one of the “newest” entries in SARMs, usually added in a stack with other SARMs for greater profits.

It reduces body fat levels dramatically and promotes a “dry” and well-shaped muscular body.

With the S4 you will achieve unsurpassed vascularity in your body.

In addition, it significantly increases bone density, preventing and avoiding serious injuries.

YK-11 (Myostatin) is another case of a drug included in the SARMs, without really being one of them.

It is actually a synthetic steroid based on DHT (a stronger form of testosterone) targeting the prostate androgen receptors directly.

It provides huge muscle gains and great anabolic power.

In fact, as DHT does not suppress the production of testosterone, Myostatin does not have as many side effects (compared to other drugs).

S23 is a SARM working with androgen receptors, achieving massive muscle gains, and a “monumental” reduction in body fat mass.

A very powerful cutting SARM ensures perfect drying on the body, without causing fluid retention.

S4 is often used in a stack with other SARMs (such as Ligandrol and Andarine).

Nowadays there are many SARMs sellers, some of them reliable, while many others promote products of dubious quality and safety.

But be aware that all Sarms are Banned and not safe to use.

“Poor quality” SARMs are capable of not giving you any benefit at all, while they cause serious damage to your organism and health.

As SARMs are chemical compounds, (very powerful) working based on the suppression of the endocrine function of the organism, it is imperative to take reliable products to ensure clear benefits and accurate action.

No. All SARMs are still in the research phase and their use is strictly banned in any sporting event (in the training process as well).

Official sporting events around the world carry out special checks for the detection of banned substances as defined by the competent bodies.

See HERE a complete and up-to-date guide to all “dangerous” and strictly banned substances according to WADA .

The use of these banned substances - due to their high anabolic effect - is considered abusive in relation to improving the performance of the athlete and is therefore prosecuted and punished under applicable law.

There can be no clear answer to this question for the following serious reasons:

The golden rule for being always safe (especially if you are a beginner) is to start with the lowest recommended dose at all times.

In this way, you will significantly reduce the risk of the organism reacting and the occurrence of serious side effects.

The increase of dose should be done gradually and always with absolute attention and discipline in the safety rules.

Both SARMs and anabolic steroids are certainly included in WADA’s list of extremely dangerous and banned sports substances.

However, if you had to choose between these two (2) “bad ones”, I would clearly recommend SARMs.

The selective action of SARMs on the user’s body reduces the “damage” and the side effects (in number and severity).

The difference lies in their chemical structure and the mode of action in the organism.

As repeatedly mentioned, SARMs have a “selective effect”.

Nevertheless, what does this mean in practice?

Unlike anabolic steroids, SARMs are not “aromatized” and not converted to estrogen, so they do not cause (at least not to such an extent) testosterone suppression.

Yes. The first and very important disadvantage is their active force.

Anabolic steroids have a much higher anabolic power compared to SARMs, and this is why even today many athletes select them for boosting their athletic performance (despite many and extremely dangerous side effects caused).

Then there is their mode of action.

As mentioned earlier, SARMs work in a different (and more selective) way compared to steroids.

However, this puts a greater strain on the liver, mainly due to the fact they are drugs for oral administration (and not in injection form).

Therefore, a long-term use of them (such as the one protecting the need for sports support) can cause irreparable damage to the liver.

Surely, this does not happen. Prescribing drugs is a very strict process and cannot be done for sports or cosmetic purposes.

Other than that, SARMs are not yet prescribed for treatment in most parts of the world (Australia only).

The only way to get SARMs is to apply for research at USADA.

Surely, even in this case, their use is limited to obtaining scientific data by expert researchers.

The detection time of each chemical is different. Thus, the detection time of a SARM is differentiated not based on the dosage (as many wrongly believe), but on their half-life.

Another mistake many people make is to assume that detection time equals half-life.

These drugs can usually remain detectable for many more days after the end of the half-life of the last dose.

SARMs are very potent chemicals greatly impairing the liver function.

The simultaneous consumption of alcohol is definitely contraindicated strictly, as it would further charge the already very heavy liver function.

However, other than that, the use of alcohol would jeopardize your athletic benefits from using a SARM, thus, it should be avoided.

Yes. In fact, some SARMs are “heavier” for the liver, compared to others, less harmful or dangerous.

The risk to the liver from a SARM relates to its chemical structure.

For example, YK-11 (Myostatin) is an example of a chemical causing severe liver damage and serious health problems to the user.

Let us emphasize again, however, that the YK-11 is not really a SARM, despite being referred to as a SARM.

As mentioned again, one catalytic difference between SARMs and anabolic steroids is the small suppression of endogenous testosterone that the former causes compared to the latter.

This means that the side effects of suppressing SARMs are very small and there is no cause for concern.

In fact, if a PCT treatment cycle is used where required, there is no need to worry about swollen mammary glands.

If you are worried about this you should definitely avoid the use of steroids, pro-hormones or other preparations related to pro-hormones.

MK-2866 (Ostarine) RAD-140 (Testolone) K-11 (Myostatin) MK-677 (Ibutamoren) GW-501516 (Cardarine)

MK-2866 (Ostarine) GW-501516 (Cardarine) S4 (Andarine) MK-677 (Ibutamoren) SR9009 (Stenabolic)

To achieve the perfect cut - the ultimate “drying” of fat in your body - requires the use of many chemicals combined; that is, in a stack.

In particular, experienced users are accustomed to taking LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) with another SARM.

LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) is usually combined with one of the following SARMs:

MK-2866 (Ostarine) GW-501516 (Cardarine) S4 (Andarine)

A cutting cycle usually lasts eight (8) weeks. Dosages are adjusted depending on the combination of chemicals, the user and the final target.

Yes. Many experienced users tend to use SARMs in combination with anabolic steroids to increase their athletic profits.

A classic example of a SARM steroid stack is the SARM GW-501516 (Cardarine) with the steroid Trenbolone (or Tren).

Another very popular “duo” is the SARM LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) with the steroid Testosterone.

Top Stacks for MK-2866 (Ostarine)

Combined with YK-11 and RAD-140 (for bulking) Combined with YK-11, RAD-140 and MK-677 (for experienced users) Combined with S4 and SR9009 (for cutting)

Or combined with the S4, MK-677 and SR9009 (for experienced users)

combined with LGD-4033 and RAD-140 (for muscle strengthening) combined with LGD-4033, MK-677 and RAD-140 (for muscular strengthening of experienced users)

Top Stacks for LGD-4033 (Ligandrol)

combined with MK-2866 and MK-677 (for bulking) combined with GW-501516 (for cutting) combined with GW-501516 and SR9009 (for extreme cutting and muscle protection)

Top Stacks for RAD-140 (Testolone)

combined with LGD-4033 (for bulking) combined with MK-2866 (for cutting) combined with MK-677 (for swelling and physical strength) combined with S4 and SR9009 (for body reconstruction) combined with GW-501516 (for physical strength and endurance)

If we can refer to SARMs with a term like “safe”, then we would say that the safest is LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) from Ligand Pharmaceuticals, due to several studies conducted (compared to other SARMs not yet been tested in humans at all).

Research to date on LGD-4033 has shown that it does not cause an increase in the levels of a specific protein in the body associated with prostate cancer.

Many present SARMs as a “safe alternative to anabolic steroids” and to some extent they are right.

Compared to steroids, SARMs actually have a much lower degree of risk and side effects.

However - even SARMs - cause many of the side effects of steroids, including aggression.

Like the benefits, the side effects vary depending on the SARM/individual/the gender/the dosage followed.

However, some of the most common side effects of SARMs are:

cardiovascular diseases strokes liver toxicity suppression of endogenous testosterone aggression mood swings shrinkage of the testicles acne headaches

No. The use of SARMs can in no way cause a libido decrease.

On the contrary, some SARMs have the ability to enhance sexual mood, sexual performance, and even help fight the sexual dysfunction.

Note at this point that most anabolic steroids have a negative effect on libido, as they cause extreme suppression of testosterone in the user’s body after the end of the cycle.

SARMs - to date - have not been reported to affect prostate function in a negative way, nor are they capable of causing cancer.

In fact, there is evidence (not yet confirmed), that some SARMs can even support the health of the prostate or help the prostate fight some of its pre-existing disorders.

SARMs do not cause a high testosterone suppression (compared to steroids), so they do not cause increased hair loss or baldness (androgenetic alopecia).

Stacking multiple SARMs or steroids together requires knowledge, experience and a strong organism.

Multiple stacks are usually for more experienced users and not for beginners.

Beginners should follow small doses until the organism is used to it and confirm that they have no side effects or allergic episodes.

Most experienced users are familiar with triple or even quadruple stacks, while some even choose extreme combinations of five (5) different chemicals for their athletic stimulation.

Certainly, (and always depending on the selected chemicals and their dosages) the greater the number of stacked chemicals, the greater and more dangerous the side effects.

For all the reasons given above, prior to making a decision to include SARMs in your life and in your training routine, ask yourself if it’s worth it and especially if it’s worth the risk you take for your organism and your health (not to mention your own life) .

Therefore, instead of using non-approved and dangerous products (which have been clinically tested only on rodents), we suggest that you take reliable legal dietary supplements for athletic stimulation imitating the use of known SARMs.

Brutal Force is a reliable company with 100% natural nutritional supplements specially made for bodybuilding (at a professional level).

To see the company’s products (Legal SARMs) CLICK HERE

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This article was written and submitted by Abdul Sattar from

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Printable version | Apr 24, 2022 9:00:26 pm |