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Reducing body fat is a common goal for many people, but it's not always easy to do without losing muscle mass in the process. This article discusses how to reduce body fat while preserving lean muscle mass. We'll go over some tips and tricks that can help you achieve your fat reducing goals safely and effectively! We will also advise on the best cutting supplements to use.
Can you really cut fat without losing your hard earned muscle mass?
It’s a question asked by many body builders, and the general answer is YES it is possible.
Building muscle and cutting excess body fat has always been a fine line.
You simply cannot gain muscle mass and reduce fat at the same time. But you CAN reduce fat without losing muscle mass if you do things right.
This process is known as body recomposition - losing fat without harming the muscle mass that you have worked so hard to achieve.
This article covers the following:
Is it possible to burn fat while keeping your lean muscle tissue?
How to make sure that you are cutting fat and not muscle
Best supplements for cutting cycles to burn fat but not muscle
Click to view Clenbutrol price
Clenbutrol is a fat burning supplement used by pro bodybuilders and athletes to cut body fat.
It is legal to buy and completely safe and side effects free. It is based on the fat burning steroid Clenbuterol and is part of the Crazy Bulk bodybuilding supplements range.
Who makes it? - CrazyBulk
What is it? - Fat burning / cutting supplement
Basic function? - Helps burn unwanted fat while retaining quality muscle
Recommended? - Yes, we really like CrazyBulk products (along with many other people, apparently)
Where is it available? - From CrazyBulk website, shipping is available to virtually all countries including the United States, Canada and Australia
Read Clenbutrol reviews from real customers
We've found a few comments about CrazyBulk's Clenbuterol:
"This stuff is great. I do my cutting cycles with it and use D-Bal for my bulks. Something in it gives me a bit of nervous energy at first but it's a good rush." MK, New Jersey, USA
"I needed something to get my **** in gear and start losing some weight for Summer. Clenbutrol is the best fat burner I've taken by far...and I don't need a prescription. Awesome." Barry CH, Toronto, Canada
"I wouldn't normally go for a 'proprietary blend' because I don't generally believe in them but my mate used this and was looking more defined than me, and quicker too. He told me about Clenbutrol and I went for it." Paul F, Texas, USA
The old fashioned way of training was to cycle between phases of bulking and cutting.
During bulking phases you would increase the calorie intake and volume of training to boost muscle bulk.
After this you would then strip back on the calories, along with the intensity of the strength workouts to reduce the body fat, unveiling the muscles hiding beneath it.
The problem with this approach was that it was all too easy to overdo things, sure you would lose fat but it would take some of your precious muscle mass with it.
If you didn't manage to lose enough body fat, your muscle would remain hidden underneath it.
Many people have different ideas when it comes down to exercising and diet. Some prefer a specific diet, others use intermittent fasting or a particular training program.
The fact is that there is no right or wrong.
The one fact that cannot be ignored is the role of calorie intake in cutting cycles. It’s quite simple really.
YOU WILL NOT CUT FAT unless you are in a calorie deficit. In simple terms, you are burning more calories than you eat each day.
It’s a simple case of thermodynamics really, your body uses calories for even the basic human functions, breathing, digestion, blood flow and of course physical movement (exercise). Use more than you are eating and you will naturally fall into a caloric deficit.
At this point, your body, in its constant need for energy, turns to stored triglyceride fat cells for it to burn for energy.
Do this and you will cut fat, enhancing your muscle definition and your overall physique..
BEWARE - do this process incorrectly and your body could burn muscle tissue for fuel. The body needs energy, it is not bothered where it comes from - Energy is Energy regardless of its source.
Body recomposition is the process of cutting fat without losing muscle mass. It is possible to get your body fat % down to single figures without losing an ounce of muscle mass.
This process is easier for some than others though.
If you are really lean already, with not too much actual muscle mass, it will be very difficult to avoid cutting muscle mass.
If you are well trained, working out numerous times a week, there is a chance that you have reached your limits for the muscle mass that you have.
This means that your body is likely to turn to muscle cells to feed its need for energy during a cutting cycle.
Those of you that should find body recomposition easier include:
You are new to strength training or haven’t lived heavy weights for some time
Have a decent amount of body fat with a lot to lose
Already have a good amount of muscle mass
It might sound too good to be true, but with the right approach to diet and training you can transform your physique to that of being lean and muscular.
Here's How You Can Do It:
Cycling calories is a method of balancing your calorie intake over the course of your diet by alternating low and high calorie days.
It helps stop muscle cells being burnt as fuel because the deficit never really falls aggressively or that low.
On workout days, you increase your calorie intake to that of a maintenance level - you are not eating excessive calories but you are eating what you need to lift weights and exercise without causing fatigue.
It also helps boost recovery times, maintains muscle mass and keeps moods on the up.
On days that you are not exercising, drop your calorie intake by around 20-40% for best results. This will trigger fat burning and not risk any of your muscle mass.
You need to be in a calorie deficit to lose fat - you just cannot avoid this.
Your body is almost permanently in battle between protein synthesis (the development of new protein cells) and protein degradation (the breakdown of protein cells).
Training hard in the gym, with sufficient calorie intake along with good levels of protein will help boost protein synthesis, allowing you to build larger muscles.
As you reduce your calorie intake, you are leaving yourself open to the risk of increasing degradation, and your muscle cells being burnt for fuel.
This is particularly possible if your protein intake is allowed to drop too. By keeping a high level of protein intake - it's easy to calculate how much you should be taking - Around 1 gram of protein per kilo of body weight.
By ensuring that your muscles are supplied with sufficient fuel, they will not suffer from protein degradation, even when in a calorie deficit.
This protects the muscles, leaving stored body fat as the only available source of fuel.
The fastest way to boost muscle protein synthesis is to lift heavy weights. This stimulates the chemical processes in the body that create protein cells.
You need to maintain muscle stimulation, otherwise your body will start to break it down (we have all heard of the well known phrase ‘Use it or Lose it”).
You will not gain muscle mass during this stage, as your calorie intake is the minimum that you need to power your workouts. The main aim of this routine is to stop muscle loss.
Now while cardio is great for heart health, it’s not an essential part of body recomposition. The fact that you are in a caloric deficit means that you could do just as well lifting weights.
If you really enjoy cardio work, then, if you have the time and inclination, by all means do some on your rest days. Just make sure it doesn’t impact your recovery after your workouts.
Testosterone is the key male anabolic hormone. Its responsible in one way or another for virtually everything male - Muscle mass. strength, maintaining a powerful libido, energy levels and performance.
Intensive dieting can have a detrimental effect on testosterone production - especially when you are on low fat diets.
If testosterone is allowed to decrease, you can start to experience:
Increased fat build up, with reduced muscle tone
Low energy levels, feelings of fatigue
Lifting heavy weights (strength training) goes a seriously long way in helping to keep good levels of testosterone in your blood.
The key here is to make sure that whatever you are eating provides sufficient nutrition for your hormonal processes.
You need to be taking on board good levels of D-Aspartic acid and Vitamin D3, as they are proven to help stimulate the tests into producing more testosterone.
These can be found in certain foods such as eggs, meats and seafood.
Zinc and Magnesium help regulate testosterone at the same time supporting energy production. by providing crucial building blocks that allow the optimal functioning of the fat burning processes in the body.
It’s not always easy to get all the nutrients that your body needs to maintain testosterone production and optimal performance while on a cutting cycle.
"A good idea is to supplement your diet with a premium testosterone booster - especially one that contains the four aforementioned ingredients."
Doing this will help ensure that your anabolic hormones and their functions are completely supported, allowing your journey to complete body recomposition to be faster and overall more effective.
Getting rid of unwanted body fat can be difficult, especially if you want to keep your hard earned muscle mass.
Eating the right foods is as important as training. Up your protein intake.
A good cutting supplement is essential - use a fat burner that is known to burn body fat while preserving lean muscle mass.
These guidelines have shown you the way forward, follow these and you will soon be sporting that single digit body fat %, and showing off those hard earned muscles.
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