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Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is an essential hormone produced by the pituitary gland. HGH stimulates growth, cellular reproduction, and cell regeneration in humans. It is crucial for children and adolescents for their physical growth and development. Apart from this, it also has important roles in adults. HGH increases protein synthesis; muscle mass and promotes lipolysis.
HGH is FDA approved only for children with diagnosed growth hormone deficiency and in AIDS patients with muscle wasting. However, it is also used off-label as an anti-aging medication. Some athletes are also known to use HGH despite it being a restricted drug.
Very few studies have been conducted on the dosage of HGH required for anti-aging. After extensive study, we have a brief guide based on what some doctors and trainers are recommending albeit illegally in some countries like the USA.
1. Current physical status: Body Mass Index (BMI) and Fat percentage 2. Health condition 3. Desired changes 4. Other prescribed drugs used 5. The financial situation of the patient
HGH effects on the body highly depend on the HGH dose you are taking, duration, and frequency of intake. The doses you need depend mainly on the purpose of taking HGH. Human growth hormone is measured in IU (international units) and mg (milligrams). 1 mg equals approximately 3 IU while 1 IU equals approximately 0.33 mg.
2-3 IUs – Recommended dosage for anti-aging purposes and improvement of skin, bones, and joints. Low doses below 3 IU can produce the desired anti-aging effects with very few to no side effects. With 2-3 IUs, users can notice a progressive improvement in their skin. Users will also experience better sleep and an increase in energy.
4-8 IUs – Recommended HGH dosage for fat loss and building lean muscle mass. With these higher doses, risks of side effects increase. Users may experience mild swelling in their fingertips, toe tips, and face due to increased water retention. A rare yet serious side effect of HGH at this dosage is carpal tunnel syndrome, in which a painful tingling sensation occurs in the wrist and hands which may be unbearable at times.
8-15 IUs – Recommended for muscle mass gain for bodybuilders and athletes. The suggested dosages are for everyone however the effectiveness depends mostly on each individual’s personal diet and exercise regimen.
1st-time users: For beginners, the results of HGH depend on the body structure. For lean individuals, beginning HGH with a low dosage is highly advised, about 4- IUs.
Long-term users: Many athletes and bodybuilders use HGH for long periods to assist them with building muscle. For experienced long-term users, the often-used dosage is approximately 10 IUs. This high dosage is used only by professional sportsmen and sportswomen before sporting competitions.
3 IUs and below: Injected once a day
4 IUs and above: Injected twice a day, 5-6 days a week. Be sure to not inject the 2nd dosage before you sleep. When you sleep, your body naturally secretes its own natural HGH and acts as the third dosage.
1. Short cycle: 1-2 months Recommended duration for improving the state of cartilage and skin; heal joints traumas. The cycle is repeated at least twice a year to see significant results.
2. Long cycle: 5-6 months Not recommended in people without diagnosed growth hormone deficiency.
3. Optimal cycle: 3-4 months Recommended repeating 3-4 months cycle once to twice a year.
Note: Longer duration of 3-4 months with a lower dosage is more recommended than a shorter duration with a higher dosage. Shorter durations with higher dosages can have more side effects.
1. Every Day (ED): Most commonly used and recommended
2. Every Other Day (EOD): Recommended for people targeting muscle gain and for financially limited people.
3. 3 times a week (3TW): Used for children with growth deficiency, however, it is not a recommended protocol for muscle gain.
What numbers should HGH be coming back as after testing on certain doses? I’m sure it varies between individual peoples results, but is there an average number?
If injecting 10iu and then testing should hgh blood serum testing after 3 hours injected intramuscular be around 20-30? Another question is: if I have HGH that’s testing at much lower doses around 7-8, would it be ok to up the dose to achieve the higher numbers?, since its obviously a weaker hgh?
Hello Gabe, Exactly as you mentioned the numbers vary between individuals and the right dosage of HGH (as well as, for any other medical product) is determined by your doctor after taking into consideration certain factors like your age, your health condition and any medical problems, the reason why you are taking a specific product, in this case, HGH, treatment expectations, etc. There is always the possibility to adjust the dosage based on the values, but any adjusting of the dosage should be made only by a doctor. Consult your doctor and I am sure he/she will recommend the right dosage for you.
I have TBI and Fibromyalgia and prior to HGH I felt horrible. I am on 2iu daily and feel a lot better. The pain is still there a bit, but nothing like before. My memory and brain performance is increased.
Hello Shawn, I am glad to hear that you are feeling better now with the treatment. Just keep consulting your doctor regularly as sometimes the dosage can be adjusted in order to achieve better effects or to avoid any possible side effects from HGH usage.
I’m 45 how much should I take a week to get ripped
Hello Martin, the right dosage is determined by your doctor considering your age, overall health and medical history, tolerance for a specific treatment, treatment expectations, etc.
We really need to know what dosage causes left ventricular hypertrophy. That is probably the biggest issue with HGH
Hello Tony, You are right, one of the problems with HGH is that it can cause various side effects of not taken as recommended by the doctor, including heart problems, like ventricular hypertrophy. For this reason, it is best to consult your doctor and determine the right dosage of HGH for you, as well as for how long you should take it in order to avoid possible side effects.
I am 34 175lbs 5″6 and 5months post partum. how much should I take to lose weight and have my good skin back? I workout as often as I can but I have limited time. before I was pregnant I worked out daily and was 130lbs.
Hello Vanessa, Since your baby is still little and you are only 5 months postpartum it is normal to let your body take all the time needed to recover and get back in shape just as it was before pregnancy. I believe that the best thing for you currently is to watch what you eat, to rest and sleep as much as you can, and to exercise as often as you can. It is understandable that you can’t exercise as much as you would want to compare to the time before having the baby. Just take it slow and soon you will be back in shape again. In your case, I would say that HGH is not necessary for now.
Hello I’m 40years old, 160lbs and 5’6 How much dosage should I take to building muscle and get ripped? Thx
Hello Marcelo, the dose you will need is calculated based on your body weight and a doctor must determine it taking into consideration other factors as well. At first, it is usually 0.005 mg per kg (0.0023 mg per pound) of body weight injected under the skin once a day. Your doctor may then increase the dose if needed. HGH is usually recommended for periods of 6 to 24 weeks. Consult your doctor before starting HGH injections on your own.
I took Nutropin AQ in 6th grade it worked very well I grew up by 3 feet and became taller than all my friends in 1 summer. I was prescribed it because my pituitary gland was injured; now I’m using somatropin how much should I use if I’m 165 lb to gain muscle and Mass?
Hello Craig, somatropin is a form of human growth hormone important for the growth of bones and muscles, and it is used to treat growth failure in children and adults who lack natural growth hormone. There are various brand names available on the market and one of them is the Nutropin AQ you already took years ago. Your dose and brand of somatropin, and how often you use it will depend on the condition you are treating, but not only. It’s best to go and see a doctor in order to determine the right dosage needed for you.
I have gentropin 12 and looking to take it for 6months. I have had a sore lower back for about a year now which nothing I can do to fix it.. I want to take this to help fix my back. But also to benefit from anti ageing and fat loss Do you think 4iu for 5 days a week will be a good dosage ?
Hello Mike, I would suggest you visit your healthcare provider and discuss with him/her about your lower back problem and your intention to use Genotropin 12 for fat loss and to prevent aging. It is hard for me to say whether 4 IU dosage for 5 days a week is the right dosage for you because there are a lot of things that should be taken into consideration before determining the right dosage and if Gentropin 12 is suitable for you. How old are you, how much do you weigh, do you have any other diseases, do you take any other medications for interactions, etc, etc. For this reason, the best idea is to go and see a doctor.
I am 71 years old and 143 pound. How much HGH should I take in IUs ?.
The correct dose needed is calculated based on the weight of your body, age, overall health, as well as, past medical history is important for your doctor to determine the correct dose. I would suggest for you to go and see your doctor, as it is not recommended to start HGH injections on your own and to determine the dose yourself, all this in order to avoid any possible side effects.
Hi Doc, Based on the numbers mentioned above, .0023mg per pound, I would calculate out to .42mg per dose (5’11, 182lbs, 14%bf). This would only be just above 1IU a day. Considering the information above of 2-3IU for anti-aging or 4-8 for muscle growth/fat loss… how would I ever get to those numbers? Would I bump it up for a 6-24 week cycle?
Also, I have averaged 1.5-2 IU for just over a year now… 3 days on, 1 off, 2 on, 1 off. My bloodwork shows a slightly high igf number as well at 2IU. I don’t really notice much of a difference… should I try the larger doses described above but the stop completely after the few months?
I too found the mathematics here questionable. Noticed this hasn’t been addressed. Kinda odd and makes no sense
Curious been training 10 years im 31 roughly around 6ft 1 and weigh around 17 stone I currently run trt and stay lean all year round as i dont want to bulk to much will 3iu of hgh help me stay lean as i dont really want to be pushing it and taking to much? Thanks
Have you already tried HGH or you are just considering them now? If not, as I assume from your post, I would recommend you to do a check up first and consult with a medical professional if HGH is necessary at all and if it is safe for you to take it in the first place. HGH has many side effects which probably you would want to avoid.
I’m 45 and have advanced degenerative knees. I am reasonably fit and healthy so it has come as a shock. Can HGH help with knee degeneration and regenerate cartilage. There is not a lot of studies out their on the topic. I have 300iu and will be injecting 3iu daily for three months……My specialist has said i will need a Osteotomy (leg realignment) on both knees followed by a double knee replacement down the track.
Hello I’ve just bought 800iu of HGH, I am doing 10iu Monday, Wednesday and Friday in 1 shot in the morning, need some advice, is this a good way to do it
Gilmore Health Can’t give you personalized medical advice. Please consult your doctor. You may also contact an online doctor over here!
Good morning. I am 19 years old and I want to take it to make my bones grow, especially my hands, I am not looking for height growth but width growth. I know you are going to tell me not to do it and to consult a specialist, but I don’t mind taking any risk, I want to live safe and happy with the size of my hands so I am thinking of injecting 4 IUI for 2 months. Will this cycle be effective? Will I need to lengthen it to be sure? A discloser on the Internet said that in 8 weeks of use at 4IU daily his hands grew and it is totally true. I know I am not guaranteed this adverse effect but it is the only option I have. I wanted to know if for what I am looking for it is better to inject the GH every other day or every day. Thank you very much.
Well, you gave half of my answer yourself. Normally, since HGH is related to many side effects which have a lifetime effect on someone’s body it is always recommended to speak with a medical professional first and determine based on your overall health if HGH use is going to be more beneficial than harmful to you. Since you are only 19 years old, your body is practically still growing and developing so maybe you really don’t need HGH therapy right now to achieve the desired look. I would honeslty recommend you to think it once more before starting HGH.
DEAR Gilmore Health, I have a type of HGH called Hygene Hygetropin Somatropin wth black tops. I used 5iu as an initial dose as I’m bodybuilding but the side effects were severe. That particular day I trained heavy clean and press, which may have contributed towards the symptoms, due to the session being physically demanding. Afterwards I felt like my head was going to explode. It was a very severe headache. I’ve now reduced to 2.5iu(.833mg) per day. I feel better but my neck and thumbs hurt. Any advice to alleviate the symptoms? Kind regards Benjamin
Gilmore Health can not give personalized medical advice. It is highly recommended that you seek help from a medical professional. Here is an article about common HGH side effects. You may also contact an online doctor over here!
Having taken growth for 6 months at 10 iu per week, I think I’ve developed Hg defficinecy. I exercise every day, 30 mins strong cardio running and heavy weights 3 times a week full body each time. Is this possible? I have gained belly fat since coming off and unusually find it impossible to lose. Because of the sheer amount of exercise I do I’m usually always thin. When I was on it I was lean and in hypertrophy. I have gained muscle tho which I’m very pleased about. I have a great bum now! So I know u have the physique I always wanted under the fat. Just annoyed by this new fat. Help!
Hello, Anya taking HGH for too long or in high doses is not recommended, nor healthy for your body. Maybe you just need to let your body rest and take some time to adjust to this lack of HGH since you are not using it anymore. The pituitary gland needs some time to get the stimuli that HGH needs to be produced now. Try to sleep a lot, relax and do your routine exercises and let your body do the rest.
Hi I am 50yrs old , and 74 Kg and 5.10, intend for HGH, recommend mt dose and any side effects
I can’t give you a clear answer about whether HGH is right for you and what is the correct dose you should take. But, I can certainly tell you that HGH use is related to various side effects like enlargement of breast tissue in men, otherwise known as gynecomastia, joint and muscle pain, swelling of the arms and legs, increased insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, increased risk of certain cancers, etc.
Hi from South Africa, I’m 67 years of age, one and a half years ago I was diagnosed by MRI scan as having Sheehans syndrome. My pituitary gland measures 3mm and is compressed by cerebral spinal fluid. I am on the full medical protocol given by the endocrinologist I see. I take 6 clicks of norditrophin 10 mg at night before sleep. If I take a lesser dose I sleep a max of 2 1/2 hours. Is this an adequate dose for my age. I experienced Sheehans syndrome when I was 30 years old. My doctor recommended a lower dose of 3 clicks which has left me exhausted from lack of restful restorative sleep. I thank you for your informative and insightful information. Liz
Dear Liz, if I understood it correctly you had Sheehan syndrome with 30 and now again with 67. Don’t forget that your body has changed a lot during all this years and it is not necessary that you should take the same dose again. However, I can recommend you to take the dose that your endocrinologist prescribed currently and in your next check up maybe this dose can be adjusted based on how you feel and what is achieved with the given therapy.
I’m currently using 2 iu hgh from somatotropin with 500mg testosterone I know hgh converts to igf in the liver around an hour or 2 post injection but I was wondering if adding 6 iu insulin pre and post workout would aid the production of igf 1 to yeild better muscle building results to get the most out of my expensive hgh. If so how does insulin influence the secretion of igf aswel
I’m a baseball player wanting to increase my velocity how much HGH should I take daily. I am 20 years old and I’m 6’1 230 lb
I was also given 50 Anavar
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