US Customs and Border Patrol Agents nailed a drug dealer last Sunday night
If you've gone to Vancouver BC, you've gone through Blaine, WA. It's where the Peace Arch is, and it's the main WA state to Canada crossing. It's also an area where a growing number of smugglers get nailed.
Late last Sunday night, Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agents were on foot, patrolling a remote area near Sumas, which is next to Blaine. The agents located a suspect who was seen crossing illegally. It piqued their interest that they were also carrying a large backpack.
After tracking him for a short time, they swooped in and found the man had 2.2 pounds of the drug Ketamine.
Ketamine is generally used as an anesthetic, but more commonly street used in connection with sexual assault or date-rape crimes.
Ketamine is known on the street as Special K, Cat Valium, Kit Kat, K, Super Acid, Super K, Purple, Special La Coke, Jet, or Vitamin K. It is a powder mixed with liquids and either injected or snorted, or smoked. It produces hallucinogenic effects, as well as distorted reality, pain relief, and difficulty in comprehension or function.
According to the DEA, the average street cost of a dose of Ketamine is anywhere from $60 to $100 for a gram, making the value of the drugs seized by CPB between $60 and $90K. It's estimated the backpack had enough of the drug for nearly 1,000 doses.