Revelations report the presence of hundreds of Algerian, Tunisian and sub-Saharan jihadists in Iraq.They fight alongside the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (LEIIL).Contacts also exist between the leader of the terrorist organization called El-Mourabitoune of the Algerian Mokhtar Belmokhtar and the leaders of EIIL.The Algerian terrorist would also be the new emir of this organization in the Sahel and Maghreb regions.This situation is all the more worrying since the north of Mali is a favorite zone of the Algerian terrorist who is busy preparing for a possible return of the jihadists who left to fight in Iraq.A situation that would have serious consequences for the Sahelian states.It's an open secret: several hundred jihadists from the Maghreb regions are fighting alongside ISIL, a terrorist organization known as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant.It is she who has recently conquered several cities in Iraq and certain localities in Syria.Engaged in combat in these two countries, the jihadists of EIIL received reinforcements from other enlightened people who came mainly from the Maghreb and the Sahel.Sources report the presence within it of at least 500 Algerians, 2,400 Tunisians, and sub-Saharans.Added to this are some jihadists from the Sahelian strip.According to our information, contacts have been established between the leader of the terrorist organization El-Mourabitoune, the Algerian Mokhtar Belmokhtar (undisputed leader of the jihadist movements in the Sahel since the death in northern Mali of Abou Zeid during an action Franco-Chadian military) with the leaders of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant.This presence of North African and Sahelian jihadists within ISIL seems to have set the region's intelligence services in motion.According to the information of an Algerian newspaper, reports drawn up by the security forces mention several attempts to infiltrate the most bloodthirsty terrorist groups into Algerian territory.The objective is to change the geopolitical map of the borders to install an Islamic state of which the infamous Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi will be the caliph”.The intensification of American raids on these jihadists and the delivery of arms to the Iraqi army and the Kurds have significantly changed the balance of power.Several Maghreb countries are on high alert to counter a possible return of their compatriots who have gone to war.Faced with the situation, reports an Algerian newspaper, "the terrorist threat today constitutes an inescapable reality in the face of which Algeria has mobilized all its forces, while warning the international community against the risk of seeing the whole region ignite”.The concern remains in Mali already tested by the narcojihadist presence in the north and which shares wide borders with Algeria.It should be remembered that the vast expanses of the north of our country have always served as a retreat for jihadists from Algeria, Libya and other countries of the Sahel.The Malian authorities and the international community, through the blue helmets and the Barkhane force, must take precautions and increase the precautionary measures in order to avoid any return of jihadists to the northern localities.Comments are now listed in order of plebiscite.In other words, the more upvotes you receive on your comment, the higher it will be placed at the top of other comments.A word of advice: be convincing in your reactions!Please do not post the same comment more than once, as our spam detection system may immediately block your messages.Also, please wait a few minutes before your message appears.This can be submitted to us for validation.To prevent the theft of your nickname, we invite you to register or log in to your account by clicking here.Read previous articlesAir traffic Information and timetables for all flights departing from and arriving at Bamako Senou Airport (BKO) All air traffic hereThese trainings take place from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. in Bamako.Tel: 76 26 03 34 or 20 22 07 07. Email: [email protected]See all our computer trainingHoteloon: Book your hotel rooms here