SARMS vs Steroids - Is a SARM Better than a Steroid for Muscle Growth | Ask The Experts |

2022-07-22 19:39:46 By : Mr. Duncan Zhang

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Are SARMS better than steroids when it comes to bodybuilding? This is a question that has been debated for many years. Some people swear by the benefits of SARMS, while others believe that steroids are the only way to achieve significant muscle gains and results. 

We will explore the pros and cons of both SARMS and anabolic steroids and help you decide which is right for your muscle building targets!

So, SARMS or Steroids for bodybuilding? What is best for building lean muscle mass and fat burning? 

There are several pros and cons to both substances as outlined in this article - if you want the quick version - use SARMS

SARMS are safer, cheaper and some of the brands are LEGAL! You can achieve similar muscle gains using a SARM to using a steroid.

So now - which SARM? Just as with anabolic androgenic steroids there are many to choose from. 

RAD-140, LGD-4033, MK-2886 or MK-677 are the most effective and best SARMs for bulking cycles and packing on the lean mass.

The good news is you do not need to choose - you can combine all 4 SARMs to create a BULKING STACK. 

Click to View Legal SARMS Bulking Stack

Any keen bodybuilder wants to get the best results that he or she can, and taking a supplement or other substance to help boost results can be very appealing.

We all known that to get the best results, we need to work hard and eat sensibly, but its human nature to never be satisfied -

That is where some guys turn to anabolic steroids, and for good reason - they really can deliver some awesome results, trouble is these results can also be accompanied by some really nasty side effects too.

Quite recently there has been another group of chemical products that have been providing some steroid type gains but without the worrying health problems.

These chemicals are called SARMS - this article lifts the lid on them, explains just how they work and also checks on their safety

SARMS ( Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) are a group of molecules also known as ligands, they are currently being researched and developed with the aim of reproducing the effects of anabolic steroids without the risks.

Their aim is to reproduce the androgenic effects of steroids but with a huge difference.. Steroids have a wide spread, some would say scatter-gun effect, whereas SARMS are more focused or targeted, something that experts believe will make them more effective and safer.

When you take steroids, you are basically overloading your body with testosterone. This then binds with androgen receptors boosting their anabolic properties. 

Now using this method, the testosterone does not just bind to the essential receptors the are responsible for building our muscles, it also binds to other non essential receptors and this is were the problems start, and can lead to heart, and liver problems along with shrunken balls, gynecomastia etc.

SARMS are being developed to specifically target the key receptors responsible for muscle building, bone strength and our sex drive. 

They are not actually being developed with the bodybuilder in mind, more as a dedicated treatment of things like hypogonadism and even conditions such as osteoporosis.

Their development is in its early stages, so much so that these compounds do not have names yet, into being referred to with alpha numerical numbers.

Click to View Legal SARMS

Steroids are a class of drugs that are typically used to promote muscle growth and enhance athletic performance. In bodybuilding, steroids are often used in conjunction with other drugs to maximize the effects on lean body mass. 

While steroids can have some beneficial effects, they also come with a range of potential side effects, which is why their use is controversial.

Some of the most commonly used steroids in bodybuilding include testosterone, nandrolone, and boldenone. Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone, and it has both anabolic (muscle-building) and androgenic (masculinizing) effects. 

Nandrolone is a synthetic form of testosterone that is sometimes used to treat medical conditions such as osteoporosis. 

Boldenone is another synthetic steroid that is similar to testosterone, but it is not as widely used in bodybuilding.

Steroids work by stimulating muscle growth, but they can also have negative side effects, including liver damage, high blood pressure, and increased aggression. 

In some cases, these side effects can be permanent. That's why it's important to consult with a doctor before starting any type of steroid regimen.

It's a good question, one that I have been asked a number of times. And the answer really depends on how you view them.

If you are thinking of using SARMS in competitions, then make sure they are the legal SARMS and not outlawed by WADA (word anti doping agency).  

The FDA do not recognise some SARMS as dietary supplements yet, but will do in time,, that kind of stops them from being included in supplements - In fact some manufacturers have been warned against using them in their formulas if they are not the legal SARM variety.

Bottom Line - As it stands at the moment some SARMS are legal!

Click to View Legal SARMS

Whether or not bodybuilding steroids are legal is a complicated question. Steroids are a type of drug that can be used to improve athletic performance and build muscle mass. 

In the United States, steroids are classified as a Schedule III controlled substance, which means that they can only be legally obtained with a prescription. 

There is a thriving black market for steroids, and many bodybuilders use them without a prescription. In some cases, steroids are also used for non-medical reasons, such as to improve appearance.

Bottom line: There is no definitive answer as to whether or not bodybuilding steroids are legal. In some cases, they may be legal if they are prescribed by a doctor. 

However, in other cases, they may be illegal if they are obtained through the black market. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to use steroids is up to the individual.

SARMS are thought to be more beneficial than steroids in that they can provide similar results without the risk of any potentially dangerous side effects.

Research has shown so far that they can provide enhanced muscle mass, improved bone density as well as a reduction in stored body fat.

They can do this without causing harm to the liver

Reducing natural testosterone levels production

This is why bodybuilders are stepping over each other to try and get hold of them.

Anybody who has lifted weights for any length of time has probably considered taking steroids at some point. 

After all, steroids can lead to dramatic increases in muscle mass and strength. However, there are also a number of potential risks associated with steroid use. Before making the decision to take steroids, it is important to understand the potential benefits and drawbacks.

One of the most significant benefits of taking steroids is that it can lead to rapid muscle growth. 

When you lift weights, you cause tiny tears in your muscle fibers. In order to repair these tears, your body must grow new muscle tissue. 

Oral Steroids help to accelerate this process by increasing the production of certain hormones, such as testosterone. As a result, you are able to bulk up more quickly than you would otherwise be able to.

Of course, there are also a number of potential risks associated with taking steroids. One of the most serious risks is that it can lead to cardiovascular problems. 

Steroids can increase blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which can put strain on the heart. In addition, steroids can also cause mood swings and aggressive behavior. As a result, it is important to weigh the potential risks and benefits before making the decision to take steroids.

Overview of the development of selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) as pharmacological treatment for osteoporosis - 2022

Prevalence of anabolic steroid users seeking support from physicians: a systematic review and meta-analysis - 2022

As 'research only' chemicals, the full range of effects, both good and bad, are not yet fully understood. 

They have not been subjected to the intense levels of testing required before being released for general use.

They are not yet being tested for purity - research has shown that SARMS have shown irregular doses, and some have contained different ingredients to those listed on the labels

There have been claims that SARMS can also reduce natural testosterone production - despite claims to the opposite.

They are not as devastating to testosterone levels as anabolic steroids, but still it has been shown that just 1mg of SARMS can drastically reduce natural testosterone production, what's more it can take up to 60 days to return to normal after you stop using SARMS .

SARMS have actually been touted as an effective male contraceptive method, so effective is it at killing testosterone.

The use of some SARMS has also been reported as causing eyesight issues, with some test subjects experiencing a yellow hue to their vision.

Experts believe that this is because SARMS can attach to the eye receptors.

While their use does not generally cause the same effects on the liver and heart that steroids can cause, there have been claims by test subjects that they can cause acne, gynecomastia (man boobs) headaches and increased amounts of body hair.

When most people think of steroids, they think of illegal drugs that are used by athletes to gain an unfair advantage. 

Steroids can also refer to legal prescription medications that are used to treat a variety of conditions. 

These medications can be extremely effective, but they also come with a risk of side effects. One common side effect of taking steroids is increased aggression. This heightened sense of aggression can lead to outbursts of anger and violence. In some cases, it can even lead to psychotic behavior. 

In addition to aggression, human consumption of steroids can also cause liver damage, high blood pressure, and infertility. They can also stunt growth in young people who are still growing. While steroids can be effective at helping people build muscle and burn fat, the potential side effects should not be ignored.

It's not an exhaustive list, but these are some of the most common SARMS (selective androgen receptor modulator ) available online:

Also called Enobosarm, it was developed by GTx as treatment for muscle wasting disease and osteoporosis. Bodybuilders do think it as the ultimate SARM for muscle building AND Cutting fat. It does not however provide the same results as say Dianabol

Popular with bodybuilders used in tests and trials, thought to be very effective at boosting muscle mass. It is considered to be very effective at bulking. It does however have a high estrogenic factor.

Cardarine GW501516 is fat burning SARM. 

Developed by GlaxoSmithKline way back in the 1990’s for the treatment of heart problems. It works by increasing the hearts output, helping to boost performance and endurance

Rad 140 is excellent for muscle building and increasing testosterone 

It is also being tested for its effects in the treatment of muscle sting diseases and breast cancer. 

There have been some studies that demonstrate its effectiveness at boosting muscle mass - especially when compared to the results gained by testosterone injections, but with far less side effects.

It still lacks mainstream testing and as such its effects both good and bad are still not fully understood.

Stenabolic SR9009 is cutting SARM

Developed to help treat muscle wasting diseases - with some good results in trials . It has shown promise as a performance enhancer as well as an effective fat loss boosting compound.

Compared to the steroid Winstrol, it is thought to help return muscle mass on a cutting cycle.

Originally developed as a treatment for BPH (Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy) it seems to work by blocking the receptors that bind to DHT (dihydrotestosterone) helping to reduce prostate enlargement.

Has been linked to the cause of yellow vision.

Currently being tested as a male contraceptive - thought to reduce natural testosterone production and release. 

This has caused reports of reduced sex drive and sexual performance

There is some evidence that it could help with weight loss but studies are lacking.

A recognised bone density boosting SARM that can also help improve female libido. 

Most test subjects find that its lacking as an anabolic enhancer in its own right, being better served when stacked with other products.

A powdered form of SARMs - thought to help strengthen the bones, increase muscle mass and increase libido. 

Tests and trials haven’t produced too many side effects and does not appear to affect the prostate

One more suited to the older user, as it has been thought to help reduce the effects of low endogenous testosterone (Hypogonadism or the Andropause)

Thought to help reduce symptoms of aging inducing depression, reduced tissue and strength along with increased risk of osteoporosis and libido problems

Technically not, although they can provide similar results.

The initial thoughts are that they are safe, but remember that they are still largely untested, and have been linked to some side effects. 

They are not recognised or approved by the FDA as of yet and there are steps afoot in congress to make them illegal. That aside SARMS are still safer than steroids.

They can be bought legally - just as long as they are for ‘research purposes only’. Be aware however of any manufacturer claiming that they are FDA approved - they are NOT.

They can vary in cost quite considerably, with a month's supply of SARMS costing between $80 and $250.

There are legal brands available that can be purchased and used for individual use for body bodybuilding. Cutting and Bulking SARMS

We all want to get the best bodybuilding results from our workouts in the gym.

But not any risk! - sure some guys want to use anabolic steroids to boost results, but they are putting themselves at potential risk in doing so.

SARMS are considered to be safer than steroids, that's for sure, but they too still have some potential for causing health problems.

It is highly recommended to use a legal SARMS brand such as CrazyBulk - they are side effect free and competitively priced.

So in summary, if you are weighing up the pros of cons of SARMS vs steroids I would recommend using a legal SARM.

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