As men age, they can find that their testosterone levels are decreasing and their bodies aren’t performing as well or feeling as great as they used to when they were younger. One of the best ways to naturally boost testosterone levels is through bodybuilding supplements. These supplements work by incorporating ingredients into your diet that increase testosterone production and decrease estrogen production in your body, giving you an edge when it comes to health and performance even if you’re past your prime in terms of young adulthood. Here are 5 bodybuilding supplements that can naturally boost testosterone levels and help you with health and wellness at any age.
5 Ways to Boost Testosterone Naturally with Bodybuilding Supplements – Natural Bodybuilding 101 with Certified Bodybuilding & Sports Nutrition Coach / Fitness Model Maxwell Alexander – Presented by Testosterone Support Complex from HARD SUPPS
When we’re not getting enough of certain vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, our T levels naturally decrease. Stress and a poor diet will also lower your T levels. Zinc is one example: if you don’t get enough zinc, your T levels could fall. Other nutrients that can drop testosterone levels include Vitamin D3, B6, B12, and Vitamin A. Not eating enough foods rich in these nutrients won’t make you immediately low in T, but it will make it more likely for your testosterone levels to dip. Eat well for good health so that you have energy for workouts and productive living! Natural supplements are used to boost natural testosterone production when it is too low or missing completely. Herbal supplements are another option to increase your T naturally. They’re non-hormonal, which means they don’t mess with your hormones or cause unwanted side effects like some hormone-based bodybuilding supplements do.
These three components have been shown to be crucial in boosting testosterone naturally. When you’re sleep-deprived, your body releases more cortisol, which reduces testosterone; when you lack Zzz’s, you end up releasing less growth hormone and taking longer for it to return back to normal levels.
Work on your mental game by staying focused and motivated: A positive mindset will lead to a better outcome in everything from performance at work or school, building muscle (or losing fat), completing tasks — even responding differently to stress. And take enough time for rest: You need seven hours of sleep each night for adequate recovery so that your muscles can recover properly from workouts. Also, consider yoga for bodybuilders and see how this easy daily practice can take your overall performance to the next level.
Lifestyle choices—including diet, exercise, and stress management—affect testosterone levels. For example, being overweight can affect testosterone levels. Excess body fat promotes an increase in aromatase (the enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen). If you’re worried about your testosterone levels, and you have excess body fat, consider losing weight through a combination of calorie reduction and exercise. Decreasing stress also has a beneficial effect on testosterone production. In one study, researchers found that men who had recently experienced stressful events had lower testosterone levels than men who did not recently experience such events. The same study showed that higher cortisol levels were associated with lower testosterone levels.
It’s no secret that exercise can have a significant impact on how much testosterone your body produces. When it comes to boosting your T levels, resistance training is far more important than cardio. That’s why you should focus most of your efforts on exercises like deadlifts, squats, weighted pull-ups, and bench presses. These exercises will help put some extra muscle on your frame, which then gets turned into key male sex hormones (testosterone) through a process called muscle conversion. And even if you train for hours every day, those non-essential muscles still serve a very important role: They keep your metabolism high and support healthy hormone production. Without them, you’d be easy prey for muscle wasting—and all its related health consequences.
You may have noticed that when you hit 40 or 50, your testosterone levels drop. This affects not only your sex drive but also your physique and overall health. Luckily, there are natural ways of combating low T levels—and bodybuilding supplements are one of them. By upping your vitamin D intake, consuming more omega-3s and curcumin, and adding plant-based oils like resveratrol and melatonin to your regimen, you can increase testosterone naturally without having to resort to supplemental synthetic hormones.
The benefits of supplementation go beyond increasing testosterone; they include a stronger immune system, improved cardiovascular health, decreased inflammation in joints, and less muscle atrophy. Your lifting sessions will be better too because your muscles won’t get as sore after workouts if you’re using certain supplements. The best part is they won’t cost an arm and a leg like prescription drugs do: most bodybuilding supplements are relatively affordable compared to prescriptions.
If you are looking for an easy supplement that combines many of the herbal supplements described above, consider Testosterone Support Complex by HARD SUPPS.
Formulated to empower natural masculinity, our Testosterone Support Complex is our male enhancement supplement. It’s scientifically designed to support male virility and libido, and naturally boost testosterone production. The amino acid, L-Arginine HCI, also supports the overall muscular health for men.
Blended with superior botanical extracts, such as Saw Palmetto Fruit, Horny Goat Weed, Eurycoma Longifolia, and Muria Puama Bard, our supplement encourages healthy blood flow, sex drive, and active sex function.