Basic information:
Product name:Ipamorelin
CAS No:170851-70-4
Synonyms: Ipamorelin Acetate, IPAM, NNC-26-0161
Appearance:White frozen dry powder/lyophilized powder
Type:Finished vials

Ipamorelin refers to a synthetic peptide that has powerful properties of releasing growth hormones, quite like GHRP-6. The chain of ipamorelin is fairly short and only has five amino acids in it. Its molecular mass is 711.86. Because of this, it can significantly increase muscle growth and burn fat at the same time.
It usually begins with 200mcg since it is known to cause several side effects, including headaches and head rushes. While it is possible to take ipamorelin anytime, it has to be remembered that it has certain growth hormone pulses that allow for maximum growth overall.
IPamorelin is one of the cleanest, most versatile and safest GHRP's out there. The pentapeptide Ipamorelin is somewhat like Hexarelin, but it's cleaner. In some ways, it acts like GHRP-6 or GHRP - 2 without the sloppy sides of elevated hunger issues.
When it comes to peptides, you are going to want a slow and steady release for a strong, clean pulse that mimics natural GH release times. This is going to be better for gains and keeping unwanted side effects down. Ipamorelin acts like a ghrelin mimetic, but, unlike GHRP-6, it has shown to be more stable in suppressing somatostatin and stimulating GH release.

Product list:
Product name:Ipamorelin
CAS No:170851-70-4
Synonyms: Ipamorelin Acetate, IPAM, NNC-26-0161
Appearance:White frozen dry powder/lyophilized powder
Type:Finished vials

Ipamorelin refers to a synthetic peptide that has powerful properties of releasing growth hormones, quite like GHRP-6. The chain of ipamorelin is fairly short and only has five amino acids in it. Its molecular mass is 711.86. Because of this, it can significantly increase muscle growth and burn fat at the same time.
It usually begins with 200mcg since it is known to cause several side effects, including headaches and head rushes. While it is possible to take ipamorelin anytime, it has to be remembered that it has certain growth hormone pulses that allow for maximum growth overall.
IPamorelin is one of the cleanest, most versatile and safest GHRP's out there. The pentapeptide Ipamorelin is somewhat like Hexarelin, but it's cleaner. In some ways, it acts like GHRP-6 or GHRP - 2 without the sloppy sides of elevated hunger issues.
When it comes to peptides, you are going to want a slow and steady release for a strong, clean pulse that mimics natural GH release times. This is going to be better for gains and keeping unwanted side effects down. Ipamorelin acts like a ghrelin mimetic, but, unlike GHRP-6, it has shown to be more stable in suppressing somatostatin and stimulating GH release.

Product list:
Anabolics | TesCypionate TesEnanthate TesPropionate TesDecano TesAcetate | Sus250 TesPhenylpropionate TesIsocaproate TesUndecano TesBase |
Oxan / Ana Oxy/ Anad | Metan / Dian Stan / wins | |
TreAcetate TreEnanthate TreHexahydrobenzyl carbonate TreBase | DrosPropionate / MastPropionate DrosEnanthate / MastEnanthate MethAcetate / PrimAcetate MethEnanthate / PrimEnanthate | |
Fluoxy/ Halot Mester/ Provi 17alpha-Methyl-1-tes Methyltes 17alpha-Methyl-Dro/ Super | 4-Chlorotescetate/ClostAcetate Epiandrost Dehydroepiandrost 7-Keto-dehydroepiandrost 4Chlorodehydromethyltes/oral turi | |
NandDecan NandPhenylpropionate | Nand Base NandCypionate NandUndecylate | |
BoldUndecano/ Equi BoldeAcetate | BoldBase BoldCypionate BoldPropionate | |
Sild/via Dutasterid / Avodar Finasterid / Prosca | TadaCitrate / Cia Vard /Levi Dapo / Pril Yohimbine Hydrochloride / Corynine / Aphrodine | |
Anti-Estrogen | TamoCitrate / Nolvx ClomCitrate / Clo Letr | Anas / Arim Exem/Arom T3 /Cytomel /Liothyronine sodium T4 /L-Thyroxine /tetraiodothyronine |
GH &Peptides | GH CG GH raw powder MT2 raw powder Ghrp2 raw powder GHrp6 raw powder Cjc 1295 raw powder IFG-1(1-3) GF-1 LR3 GH fragment176-191 CJC-1295 CJG-1295DAC GHRP-6 GHRP-2 MGF | PEG-MGF Ipamorelin Sermorelin Gonadorelin Tesamorelin TB-500 Selank DISP PT-141 Melanotan1 Melanotan2 Epithalon Myostatin Follistatin ACE-031 HMG |
Sarms | MK-677/Nutrobal / Ibutamore MK-2866 /Ostarine LGD-4033 /Anabolicum SR9009 GW 501516 /Cardarine S-4 /Andarine | S-23 RAD-140 YK-11 AICAR GW 0742 SR9011 AC262356 |
Local Anaesthetic | Benzocaine Benzocain HCL Lidocaine Lidocaine HCL | Tetracaine Tetracaine HCL Procaine Procaine HCL |
Weight loss | T3 / Liothyronine sodium T4 / L-Thyroxine GH | L (-) -Carnitine L-Carnitine-L-Tartrate SARMS |